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Petition to strip Tony Blair of his Save the Children award.

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Can anyone give me an example of a legal war?


My definition would be as follows.


A legal war is one which is fought for reasons of self defence, or to obtain the freedom of a people from an oppressor.


The last one should only apply if the people who are actually being oppressed show a desire and commitment to fight, it's too easy for aggressive nations to use the excuse 'we must save them' when it suits their agenda.


The test would be after the conflict are the oppressed people now free and better off than they were?


In the case where there is no direct threat to a nation and war is engaged in for gain, or political reasons which suit the interests of a particular nation then I would regard that as illegal.


Obviously, that is only my opinion and many nations feel it is their right to wage war whenever they feel it is in their overall interest.

Edited by mjw47
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My definition would be as follows.


A legal war is one which is fought for reasons of self defence, or to obtain the freedom of a people from an oppressor.


In the case where there is no direct threat to a nation and war is engaged in for gain, or political reasons which suit the interests of a particular nation then I would regard that as illegal.


Obviously, that is only my opinion and many nations feel it is their right to wage war whenever they feel it is in their overall interest.


Cheers, can you give me an example of said legal war?

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Why was it illegal, is there such a thing as a legal war since someone has to instigate it? And it still doesn't make him a war criminal


---------- Post added 28-11-2014 at 18:29 ----------


My definition would be as follows.


A legal war is one which is fought for reasons of self defence, or to obtain the freedom of a people from an oppressor.


Which is what happened

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Can anyone give me an example of a legal war?


An example of an illegal war. Sadam's Iraq invading Kuwait in 1990 and mudering the civilian population


An example of a legal war. A UN sanctioned operation in which several dozen nations go into Kuwait and remove the Iraqi forces back to their own country.

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An example of an illegal war. Sadam's Iraq invading Kuwait in 1990 and mudering the civilian population


An example of a legal war. A UN sanctioned operation in which several dozen nations go into Kuwait and remove the Iraqi forces back to their own country.


So not stopping people killing their own people then?

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I thought Tony Blair was a good PM in the first few years.


He seemed to be very keen to get the Northern Ireland peace process moving, wasn't he the one who was involved in negotiation of the Good Friday agreement? and didn't he intervene in the rescue of those Muslim Kosovan Albanians in the ethnic cleansing atrocities? He must have done something right because they regard him as a hero.


After the 9/11 event, his leadership turned out to be one disaster after another, but would another politician from his own or any other party have done any different had they been in his position? we'll never know that will we.

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I thought Tony Blair was a good PM in the first few years.


He seemed to be very keen to get the Northern Ireland peace process moving, wasn't he the one who was involved in negotiation of the Good Friday agreement? and didn't he intervene in the rescue of those Muslim Kosovan Albanians in the ethnic cleansing atrocities? He must have done something right because they regard him as a hero.


After the 9/11 event, his leadership turned out to be one disaster after another, but would another politician from his own or any other party have done any different had they been in his position? we'll never know that will we.


I must agree with you even thought I do not like the man.

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Why was it illegal, is there such a thing as a legal war since someone has to instigate it? And it still doesn't make him a war criminal


---------- Post added 28-11-2014 at 18:29 ----------



Which is what happened



Well if you opened the links you would see that the attorney general of this country and the former UN chief weapons inspector both thought it illegal.


The attorney general then altered his position after the Americans 'had a word' with him. Wonder what new information they gave him which changed his mind?


When you consider that there were no 'Weapons of Mass Destruction' and Iraq were not a direct threat to this country or the US it must have been interesting, wonder why they never bothered to tell the rest of us?


No, it is not what happened, the US did not invade Iraq to free the oppressed population they did so for their own interests.


For anyone to try to claim that humanitarian reasons were involved is ludicrous. Oppressed people everywhere must be praying that the US doesn't come to their aid if that was the case.


Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians were killed as a result of the invasion and the country is in turmoil.



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