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Petition to strip Tony Blair of his Save the Children award.

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And who do you think is supplying the likes of hamas and other unstable regimes in the middle-east? Couldn't be the Russians and China could it ... supplying and contrasting their weapons against their western counterparts? In fact, Israel makes very good weapons for itself. Do Israel threaten other countries, except defend themselves from hamas rockets and motars?


And who do you think supplied the Mujahideen with weapons and training during the Afghanistan Russian War?




Those Mujahideen then became Al Qa'eda at a later stage.


This is east west war by proxy and no one comes out clean.


Still think the war was legal? Do tell us why. :)

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And who do you think is supplying the likes of hamas and other unstable regimes in the middle-east? Couldn't be the Russians and China could it ... supplying and contrasting their weapons against their western counterparts? In fact, Israel makes very good weapons for itself. Do Israel threaten other countries, except defend themselves from hamas rockets and motars?


The words straws and clutching at spring immediately to mind!


You have demonstrated a prodigious lack of knowledge on the subject and IMO are beginning to come across as a bit of a troll.


I am open to be proved wrong.

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I've voted.

For me it's because he did nothing to save the children of this country, the children he was elected, for well over 10 years, to protect and provide secure futures for. Instead, he sent their fathers to war in other countries, and then opened the doors for millions of European men to take their fathers jobs, who brought their children to this country to clog up the education system thereby depriving the natives of this land a decent education. And where was he when the children of Rotherham, Rochdale etc were being abused? It was his PC laws that encouraged that outrage against our children. The man is a self serving, self seeking Kleptomaniac who I doubt has ever given a penny of his own dubiously acquired wealth to save any children except his own.

Edited by astrols
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You are not right and have shown as much - if you don't understand what id previously written, get a grown up to explain it to you.


I'll say it again so you understand it - you can't say "how do you know he didn't have WMDs " as an argument. We all know he didn't. We've said so. The Americans said so. Even Saint tony said so. You say you are right and you couldn't be more wrong. You're not just wrong you're laughably wrong. Here's how wrong you are


Blair and bush aren't going to The Hague because they won and are former heads of major powers. Stalin did some equally horrific things to hitler in WW2 but wasn't grilled at Nuremberg because he won. Do you see the patten? Winners of major powers don't go to court regardless of how wars started and what they ordered.


But I am right and you know it and you can't prove I'm wrong and you know it


---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 07:24 ----------


And who do you think supplied the Mujahideen with weapons and training during the Afghanistan Russian War?




Those Mujahideen then became Al Qa'eda at a later stage.


This is east west war by proxy and no one comes out clean.


Still think the war was legal? Do tell us why. :)


No, elements of the Mujahideen became al qaeda, some went on to the be the taliban, some went on to other fractional groups and some did nothing. And while we're on the subject, how do you explain the tories wanted to remove Assad from Syria by airstrikes and arming and eqipping rebels who then went on to kill people in Iraq, which the government now wants to kill?


---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 07:25 ----------


He sent troops there on the basis that Iraq had WMDs that could reach the UK in 45 minutes, a claim Blair made in the Commons and which turned out to be a lie.


For someone who claims not to have voted for 25 years i.e. pre-Blair it seems strange that you defend someone who led a party you couldn't be bothered to vote for. I'd hate to think that like Blair you're a liar.


How do you know it was a lie?

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---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 07:24 ----------



No, elements of the Mujahideen became al qaeda, some went on to the be the taliban, some went on to other fractional groups and some did nothing. And while we're on the subject, how do you explain the tories wanted to remove Assad from Syria by airstrikes and arming and eqipping rebels who then went on to kill people in Iraq, which the government now wants to kill?


---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 07:25 ----------



How do you know it was a lie?


How do I explain the actions of the Tory's?


You do appear to have incredibly poor comprehension abilities. twice now I've explained to you that I don't hold to any political dogma, they're all as bad as each other as far as I'm concerned.


Thatcher was corrupt like so many of them. Anyone disagreeing with that statement needs to explain this. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCgQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.independent.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fuk%2Fthe-mark-thatcher-affair-arms-deal-triumph-for-batting-for-britain-steve-boggan-examines-the-history-of-the-biggest-weapons-agreement-ever-struck-between-two-countries-1441987.html&ei=r0l8VLLPK6nD7gbKsIGgCA&usg=AFQjCNGY6LaPDSCpPIo2WucOq-Rf9OnIfw&bvm=bv.80642063,d.ZGU&cad=rja


Blair however put himself in a class of his own by willfully lying to Parliament and involving the country in an unnecessary war that cost thousands of lives and made enemy's which increase the threat to this country of terrorist attacks in the future.


Anyone with a minimum of sense knows it was a lie. In order to be able to send a 'Weapon of Mass Destruction' from Iraq to the UK in 45 minutes you need a delivery system that can cover 2,538 miles in that time.


Iraq had no such system, and Blair and Bush knew that, so Blair lied.

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He sent troops there on the basis that Iraq had WMDs that could reach the UK in 45 minutes, a claim Blair made in the Commons and which turned out to be a lie.


For someone who claims not to have voted for 25 years i.e. pre-Blair it seems strange that you defend someone who led a party you couldn't be bothered to vote for. I'd hate to think that like Blair you're a liar.


Prove it was a lie


---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 12:29 ----------


How do I explain the actions of the Tory's?


You do appear to have incredibly poor comprehension abilities. twice now I've explained to you that I don't hold to any political dogma, they're all as bad as each other as far as I'm concerned.


Thatcher was corrupt like so many of them. Anyone disagreeing with that statement needs to explain this. http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCgQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.independent.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fuk%2Fthe-mark-thatcher-affair-arms-deal-triumph-for-batting-for-britain-steve-boggan-examines-the-history-of-the-biggest-weapons-agreement-ever-struck-between-two-countries-1441987.html&ei=r0l8VLLPK6nD7gbKsIGgCA&usg=AFQjCNGY6LaPDSCpPIo2WucOq-Rf9OnIfw&bvm=bv.80642063,d.ZGU&cad=rja


Blair however put himself in a class of his own by willfully lying to Parliament and involving the country in an unnecessary war that cost thousands of lives and made enemy's which increase the threat to this country of terrorist attacks in the future.


Anyone with a minimum of sense knows it was a lie. In order to be able to send a 'Weapon of Mass Destruction' from Iraq to the UK in 45 minutes you need a delivery system that can cover 2,538 miles in that time.


Iraq had no such system, and Blair and Bush knew that, so Blair lied.


Because you're trying to make a political statement, even though you're trying to say you're not, and you don't like it when your political allegiance is attacked on the same ground you accuse others.


Prove Blair lied. Perhaps the military action in 1991 and 2003 saved lives, most of the killing happened after UK and US action but even that wasn’t on the scale we see today. The enemies existed long before the 1991 and 2003 intervention, long before 1948 even. The Russians and Chinese are adding fuel to the fire

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Prove it was a lie


---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 12:29 ----------



Because you're trying to make a political statement, even though you're trying to say you're not, and you don't like it when your political allegiance is attacked on the same ground you accuse others.


Prove Blair lied. Perhaps the military action in 1991 and 2003 saved lives, most of the killing happened after UK and US action but even that wasn’t on the scale we see today. The enemies existed long before the 1991 and 2003 intervention, long before 1948 even. The Russians and Chinese are adding fuel to the fire



Are you really that dim?


No, I am not trying to 'make a political statement'.


How many times do you need a simple statement to be made to you before you manage to grasp it?


With regard to political parties I am apolitical. They are all as bad as each other with a few exceptions.


As I don't support any political party or agree that any ideology is totally superior to any other how in hell can I be 'making a political statement'?


I'm making a personal statement, Blair is a liar and a warmonger, Thatcher was corrupt, I have no party allegiance and believe people who do have given up their ability to think for themselves.


Got it?


As for 'on the scale we are seeing today', what we are seeing today is as a direct consequence of the actions taken by Bush and Blair.


Now, why don't you try to prove that your beloved Leader wasn't lying.


It may be difficult bearing in mind that both the '45 minutes' and the 'WMD' turned out to be a load of crap.


When you factor in the surveillance technology ranging from spy satellites to drones to human intel available to the Americans and the British it beggers belief that they didn't know the score.

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