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Right wing soldier locked up for making nailbomb

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I can't find any credit to that.


Its in the OP's link.


Edit I read it wrong, it wasn't the judge it was the prosecutor.


Prosecutor Roger Smart said imitation firearms and ammunition were found along with components for similar devices, suggesting a "preoccupation that goes far beyond any amateur enthusiast's collection".



But Mr Smart also said it was accepted that rifleman McGee was not a terrorist or intended to help a terrorist group.

Edited by martok
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Jimmy Saville was first and foremost the product of nature not nurture. That said, you'll find many posts on here where I criticise and blamed the Christian church and community for their part in allowing abuse to go on for decades unchallenged. The Christian community turned a blind eye and closed ranks and that is their shame to live with. Things are better now (not completely but better) and the Muslim community in this country should take note and start playing catch up.


---------- Post added 29-11-2014 at 09:14 ----------



The reason we will not revoke his passport and kick him out of the country is not because he is white and it is somewhat pathetic to suggest so. We can't do those things because he was born here, he is here, no other country would take him and he is clearly our problem to deal with.


But so many call for other British born terrorists to be deported.

Can anyone explain the difference?

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If he was Muslim, you'd be all over this story like a rash; as it is, you're busily trying to minimise this right wing exremists actions. Odd that.


The only thing that is odd is that you make stuff up, presumably because you have nothing of any importance to say.

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One wonders why he was given 2 yrs then.


Not really, it sounds about right to me.


The judge, the Recorder of London Brian Barker, said: "The fact of the matter is any explosive device in the wrong hands could cause untold misery to anyone on the receiving end.


"Sadly, we live in a violent age. Let's be quite clear that any experimentation by anybody with these kinds of weapons must lead to severe sentences."

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hopefully not as much as an extremist islamic culture thou eh halibut:roll:


It has to be said that our own extremists aren't given the same leeway as others... They're offered de-radicalization training and the blame down to them being disenfranchised...


Our are called knuckle draggers.... :hihi:

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