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Right wing soldier locked up for making nailbomb

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Not really, it sounds about right to me.


The judge, the Recorder of London Brian Barker, said: "The fact of the matter is any explosive device in the wrong hands could cause untold misery to anyone on the receiving end.


"Sadly, we live in a violent age. Let's be quite clear that any experimentation by anybody with these kinds of weapons must lead to severe sentences."


If that isn't terror I'm hard pushed to think what is.

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Or "...a haul of imitation firearms..." as the BBC put it, whereas it looked awfully like a kids cowboy pistol and a cheapo air pistol to me.


Gotta make the bad man look badda...


Absolutely correct.


Blimey, if the bbc and police think that this is a haul of imitation firearms then they better get to the poundland toys section, pronto.

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No the muslims have got that down to a fine art themselves thanks :(


You ought to read your fellow conservatives' propaganda more. Four beheadings in Mexico carried out by a drug cartel and used as anti-immigration propaganda in the US aimed at Mexicans, not usually known for their commitment to Islam;



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Of course he should be locked up ,he's a nutter ,but its all relative isn't it ,there seems to be a hell of a lot more nutters following the teachings of Muhammed just ask 97% of the population of Pakistan who are "moderate" Muslims,better still explain the word "moderate" to them because I think somebody forgot to.

but this threads about a right wing nutter, theres been plenty over the years about muslim nutters

funny how certain people just cant help themselves and muddy the water, change the subject

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Terrorists tend not to advertise themselves until they commit an act or get caught in the process.


But until they have committed an act of terrorism they aren't terrorists, just like someone isn't a murder or a rapist until they murder or rape someone.

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