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Bring back rationing!

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As the UK starts to copy America with Black Friday. We have had people stampede into shops and physically fight each other.


In America, on Black Friday, people get shot. 7 have died and 90 were injured from 2006 to 2013. People who collapse become obstacles to navigate and hurdle over, violence is sometimes necessary to secure a potential discount on a consumer item, many of which we already have, and others which are supposedly time saving devices, that we don't really need and often they do not even save time.


The system of civilisation we are under is incapable of providing many with the basics and it has people now fighting for items they don't really need, cheap old-tech TVs, coffee makers and so on.

We already have scrums for reduced food at supermarkets.


But then there are also those without even a few pennies, who recycle food destined to landfill from bins, and increasingly those who now go to foodbanks because they haven't even the coinage to participate in a reduced section brawl for a bit of basic grub to satisfy their hunger.


We have rich people on the television complaining over a potential property tax that is relatively small and long overdue, they have the audacity to protest poverty, but know not of it, they visit the poorest and see real poverty occasionally for promotional purposes, where they participate in 'charity' events, which are much more about collecting, specifically collecting cash, than they are about giving any meaningful help to the poorest.


These people have multiple homes, multiple large income streams, often they are born into wealth, or they are the relatives of wealth, they have ever increasing cash reserves, yet they complain about a potential dip in their unearned income, when they do not even spend such income!

They protest a fall in income, which they wouldn't even miss.


Whilst public spending increases their property increases in value by tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands per year, they grumble of a tax of a mere few thousand, upon a much greater sum they acquire by doing nothing.


Many of them own multiple homes, whilst many citizens are without a rented room.


Absolute poverty is returning, the living standards of many have fallen drastically, with people living in sheds, cupboards, small rooms, tents, derelict buildings, overcrowded into living rooms, on floors, sofas etc., those on the street, some in small shanty towns, by rivers, in derelict spaces of size, old football grounds and industrial estates, commercial buildings, parks, the countryside.


People can't acquire basic food.

They can't acquire basic housing.

They can't utilise or acquire basic heating, running water and sanitation facilities. Some use low quality communal facilities.

Others fight over items in shops.

There are more rich people than ever before, with much more money than they need.

Land has been consolidated into fewer hands.

Property has been consolidated into fewer hands.

The ownership of large corporations and the overall share of commerce and productive industry is being consolidated into fewer hands.

The share of income going to the richest few has risen massively.

Public assets, services and industries are being sold off, working conditions, worsened and prices risen in the pursuit of profit for the wealthiest minority.


Society is messed up, it is just too unequal.


The inequality must be tackled.


We shouldn't be building any mansions till the homeless are housed.

We shouldn't be growing crops to be used as fuel when there are people hungry, there is enough fuel to go around and many other fuel sources available. Until everyone is fed.

We shouldn't let people go hungry when enough food is produced for all.

We shouldn't have people fighting over consumer goods that aren't essential for life, especially when there is no shortage of the goods! Just a mere discount on older models of depreciating goods that need to be disposed off.


Instead of having crap like Black Friday, it is time we brought back rationing.


Building has been opposed, and home ownership and tenure of adequate standards has not been extended to growing amounts of people and a growing proportion of the population, the newest people to join the economy, immigrants and children reaching adulthood face poor quality housing as a matter of routine due to the shortage and inequality in housing allocation.


Building of new housing must be commenced on a grand scale, but also some housing should be seized and rationed. Seizure of housing need to be made to deter over consumption of housing, and to readdress the inequality of housing consumption (to seriously provide rooms to those in need of somewhere to live), perhaps only temporarily until enough decent council housing is provided for those in need.


Food rationing must be brought in and a decent minimum income for all, free from sanction, to cover food purchases and other basics. Food waste and foodbanks can be done away with.


So simply put, it is time to ration some basic foodstuffs and housing, in order to change society.


Hopefully we can return to being civilised and all citizens have a decent life with the basics ensured, and avoid having people fight for goods in a failing economic system.


Do you think we should bring back rationing?


What do you think we should ration?


Do you think goods are allocated fairly today?

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Whose houses in Sheffield do you think we ought to seize, and under which law? There's probably enough spare bedrooms in the city to accommodate many of the homeless, perhaps you have one spare?


No point seizing rooms when there are houses lying empty, but we could seize Chatsworth and Wentworth on a temporary basis for PR reasons, perhaps the estates would be forthcoming with land for new housing estates.


If there were insufficient empty homes, then the private houses with the most empty bedrooms should be seized or given lodgers accordingly.


NIMBYISM would cease as to acquire better housing, one would need his fellows to also have better housing. Mansions are fine, once everyone has a Parker Morris+ (chem1st) standard dwelling. But when we have homelessness and housing crises they must be temporarily gone without for thew greater good.


As soon as enough council houses are built to satisfy demand, then private housing can be returned and lodgers need not be taken. Simple.


Under what law, whatever we want to call it. The 2015 dignified housing for humans bill, we could call it a 'mansion tax', but not the type of mansion tax the idle rich fear from labour, I'm talking a straight up, you have been taxed, seize the house, remove the possessions to storage, here is your temporary housing, your house can be returned to you after the war on poor housing is won type of tax.


Radical enough for you?


There is plenty of empty housing that could be utilised, but a few high profile seizures would be good for PR reasons, like the pots and pans thing was y'know.

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A vast sum would be needed to convert large properties, and another one to re-instate them.


Your law would first need to be passed by parliament. Lenders might not be too happy either, whose going to redeem them? Plus, if an owner sees their property being confiscated there's such a thing as a bulldozer (it's been done) and a much larger police force would be required to carry out your confiscation policy .

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No point seizing rooms when there are houses lying empty, but we could seize Chatsworth and Wentworth on a temporary basis for PR reasons, perhaps the estates would be forthcoming with land for new housing estates.


If there were insufficient empty homes, then the private houses with the most empty bedrooms should be seized or given lodgers accordingly.


NIMBYISM would cease as to acquire better housing, one would need his fellows to also have better housing. Mansions are fine, once everyone has a Parker Morris+ (chem1st) standard dwelling. But when we have homelessness and housing crises they must be temporarily gone without for thew greater good.


As soon as enough council houses are built to satisfy demand, then private housing can be returned and lodgers need not be taken. Simple.


Under what law, whatever we want to call it. The 2015 dignified housing for humans bill, we could call it a 'mansion tax', but not the type of mansion tax the idle rich fear from labour, I'm talking a straight up, you have been taxed, seize the house, remove the possessions to storage, here is your temporary housing, your house can be returned to you after the war on poor housing is won type of tax.


Radical enough for you?


There is plenty of empty housing that could be utilised, but a few high profile seizures would be good for PR reasons, like the pots and pans thing was y'know.


Good idea, we should build on any spare bits of countryside. Never mind reclaiming chatsworth, let's knock down these stately homes and build low cost Eco housing. What's more it will make the whole place less attractive to tourists so we won't need as many hotels so we can claim those too.


Win win. And indeed, win!

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As the UK starts to copy America with Black Friday. We have had people stampede into shops and physically fight each other.


In America, on Black Friday, people get shot. 7 have died and 90 were injured from 2006 to 2013. People who collapse become obstacles to navigate and hurdle over, violence is sometimes necessary to secure a potential discount on a consumer item, many of which we already have, and others which are supposedly time saving devices, that we don't really need and often they do not even save time.


The system of civilisation we are under is incapable of providing many with the basics and it has people now fighting for items they don't really need, cheap old-tech TVs, coffee makers and so on.

We already have scrums for reduced food at supermarkets.


But then there are also those without even a few pennies, who recycle food destined to landfill from bins, and increasingly those who now go to foodbanks because they haven't even the coinage to participate in a reduced section brawl for a bit of basic grub to satisfy their hunger.


We have rich people on the television complaining over a potential property tax that is relatively small and long overdue, they have the audacity to protest poverty, but know not of it, they visit the poorest and see real poverty occasionally for promotional purposes, where they participate in 'charity' events, which are much more about collecting, specifically collecting cash, than they are about giving any meaningful help to the poorest.


These people have multiple homes, multiple large income streams, often they are born into wealth, or they are the relatives of wealth, they have ever increasing cash reserves, yet they complain about a potential dip in their unearned income, when they do not even spend such income!

They protest a fall in income, which they wouldn't even miss.


Whilst public spending increases their property increases in value by tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands per year, they grumble of a tax of a mere few thousand, upon a much greater sum they acquire by doing nothing.


Many of them own multiple homes, whilst many citizens are without a rented room.


Absolute poverty is returning, the living standards of many have fallen drastically, with people living in sheds, cupboards, small rooms, tents, derelict buildings, overcrowded into living rooms, on floors, sofas etc., those on the street, some in small shanty towns, by rivers, in derelict spaces of size, old football grounds and industrial estates, commercial buildings, parks, the countryside.


People can't acquire basic food.

They can't acquire basic housing.

They can't utilise or acquire basic heating, running water and sanitation facilities. Some use low quality communal facilities.

Others fight over items in shops.

There are more rich people than ever before, with much more money than they need.

Land has been consolidated into fewer hands.

Property has been consolidated into fewer hands.

The ownership of large corporations and the overall share of commerce and productive industry is being consolidated into fewer hands.

The share of income going to the richest few has risen massively.

Public assets, services and industries are being sold off, working conditions, worsened and prices risen in the pursuit of profit for the wealthiest minority.


Society is messed up, it is just too unequal.


The inequality must be tackled.


We shouldn't be building any mansions till the homeless are housed.

We shouldn't be growing crops to be used as fuel when there are people hungry, there is enough fuel to go around and many other fuel sources available. Until everyone is fed.

We shouldn't let people go hungry when enough food is produced for all.

We shouldn't have people fighting over consumer goods that aren't essential for life, especially when there is no shortage of the goods! Just a mere discount on older models of depreciating goods that need to be disposed off.


Instead of having crap like Black Friday, it is time we brought back rationing.


Building has been opposed, and home ownership and tenure of adequate standards has not been extended to growing amounts of people and a growing proportion of the population, the newest people to join the economy, immigrants and children reaching adulthood face poor quality housing as a matter of routine due to the shortage and inequality in housing allocation.


Building of new housing must be commenced on a grand scale, but also some housing should be seized and rationed. Seizure of housing need to be made to deter over consumption of housing, and to readdress the inequality of housing consumption (to seriously provide rooms to those in need of somewhere to live), perhaps only temporarily until enough decent council housing is provided for those in need.


Food rationing must be brought in and a decent minimum income for all, free from sanction, to cover food purchases and other basics. Food waste and foodbanks can be done away with.


So simply put, it is time to ration some basic foodstuffs and housing, in order to change society.


Hopefully we can return to being civilised and all citizens have a decent life with the basics ensured, and avoid having people fight for goods in a failing economic system.


Do you think we should bring back rationing?


What do you think we should ration?


Do you think goods are allocated fairly today?


I think the length of posts should be rationed.

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As the UK starts to copy America with Black Friday. We have had people stampede into shops and physically fight each other.


In America, on Black Friday, people get shot. 7 have died and 90 were injured from 2006 to 2013. People who collapse become obstacles to navigate and hurdle over, violence is sometimes necessary to secure a potential discount on a consumer item, many of which we already have, and others which are supposedly time saving devices, that we don't really need and often they do not even save time.


The system of civilisation we are under is incapable of providing many with the basics and it has people now fighting for items they don't really need, cheap old-tech TVs, coffee makers and so on.

We already have scrums for reduced food at supermarkets.


But then there are also those without even a few pennies, who recycle food destined to landfill from bins, and increasingly those who now go to foodbanks because they haven't even the coinage to participate in a reduced section brawl for a bit of basic grub to satisfy their hunger.


We have rich people on the television complaining over a potential property tax that is relatively small and long overdue, they have the audacity to protest poverty, but know not of it, they visit the poorest and see real poverty occasionally for promotional purposes, where they participate in 'charity' events, which are much more about collecting, specifically collecting cash, than they are about giving any meaningful help to the poorest.


These people have multiple homes, multiple large income streams, often they are born into wealth, or they are the relatives of wealth, they have ever increasing cash reserves, yet they complain about a potential dip in their unearned income, when they do not even spend such income!

They protest a fall in income, which they wouldn't even miss.


Whilst public spending increases their property increases in value by tens, sometimes hundreds of thousands per year, they grumble of a tax of a mere few thousand, upon a much greater sum they acquire by doing nothing.


Many of them own multiple homes, whilst many citizens are without a rented room.


Absolute poverty is returning, the living standards of many have fallen drastically, with people living in sheds, cupboards, small rooms, tents, derelict buildings, overcrowded into living rooms, on floors, sofas etc., those on the street, some in small shanty towns, by rivers, in derelict spaces of size, old football grounds and industrial estates, commercial buildings, parks, the countryside.


People can't acquire basic food.

They can't acquire basic housing.

They can't utilise or acquire basic heating, running water and sanitation facilities. Some use low quality communal facilities.

Others fight over items in shops.

There are more rich people than ever before, with much more money than they need.

Land has been consolidated into fewer hands.

Property has been consolidated into fewer hands.

The ownership of large corporations and the overall share of commerce and productive industry is being consolidated into fewer hands.

The share of income going to the richest few has risen massively.

Public assets, services and industries are being sold off, working conditions, worsened and prices risen in the pursuit of profit for the wealthiest minority.


Society is messed up, it is just too unequal.


The inequality must be tackled.


We shouldn't be building any mansions till the homeless are housed.

We shouldn't be growing crops to be used as fuel when there are people hungry, there is enough fuel to go around and many other fuel sources available. Until everyone is fed.

We shouldn't let people go hungry when enough food is produced for all.

We shouldn't have people fighting over consumer goods that aren't essential for life, especially when there is no shortage of the goods! Just a mere discount on older models of depreciating goods that need to be disposed off.


Instead of having crap like Black Friday, it is time we brought back rationing.


Building has been opposed, and home ownership and tenure of adequate standards has not been extended to growing amounts of people and a growing proportion of the population, the newest people to join the economy, immigrants and children reaching adulthood face poor quality housing as a matter of routine due to the shortage and inequality in housing allocation.


Building of new housing must be commenced on a grand scale, but also some housing should be seized and rationed. Seizure of housing need to be made to deter over consumption of housing, and to readdress the inequality of housing consumption (to seriously provide rooms to those in need of somewhere to live), perhaps only temporarily until enough decent council housing is provided for those in need.


Food rationing must be brought in and a decent minimum income for all, free from sanction, to cover food purchases and other basics. Food waste and foodbanks can be done away with.


So simply put, it is time to ration some basic foodstuffs and housing, in order to change society.


Hopefully we can return to being civilised and all citizens have a decent life with the basics ensured, and avoid having people fight for goods in a failing economic system.


Do you think we should bring back rationing?


What do you think we should ration?


Do you think goods are allocated fairly today?


You really do like telling people what to do, don't you?

We should do this.....

We should do that...

Who are "we"? Is it the elected government? or a self appointed Nazi - style cabal of lefties?

This really is a manic rant of epic proportions .

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You really do like telling people what to do, don't you?

We should do this.....

We should do that...

Who are "we"? Is it the elected government? or a self appointed Nazi - style cabal of lefties?

This really is a manic rant of epic proportions .


So do you, I don't see how you can level that one at anybody

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