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So, people really are dying because of the Condems 'austerity'.

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I believe that given the chance to make their fortune as Tony Blair has done,

the vast majority of Socialists would take the same opportunity once they climb down from their faux moralistic high ground.


You can't make your own fortune, it's gainst the law. They can, of course, generate their own fortune if that's what they want to do and are able to. There's nothing in the socialist handbook, if there is such a thing, that says they shouldn't.

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Could you provide a link?




Ok I found it. That article states that the wind turbines are defective, and only ineffective because of the defects. That's a production problem by the manufacture and surely not local council.


People buy cars that are recalled because of defects, do you think the buyer of that car is wasting their own finances?


Some of them are defective and producing no energy at all, whilst others are working correctly but are that useless that they will never repay the cost to install them.

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Councils are most certainly wasteful organisations, some of the pay that has been revealed due to the Rotherham CSE scandal is eye watering (£10-£14k a month!!!) and in these cases we've paid fortunes and still got monkeys. The councils blame the government for cuts the government blames the council for wastage and we go round in an ever decreasing circle of the vulnerable and needy suffering all the more.


Rotherham was also one of the banks embroiled in the Icelandic banking debacle of a few years ago, if they have £10mil to invest in things like this they clearly have more money than they know what to do with.


I would suspect that a full and thorough independent audit of a typical councils spending would make horrific reading for the council tax payer.

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Why blame the government when its the local councils responsibility to care for the vulnerable?


And here's the rub... councils blame the government for cutting funding, government blame the councils for not spending it right. End result- nobody takes responsibility for anything, and things like this happen. It's just not good enough.

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And here's the rub... councils blame the government for cutting funding, government blame the councils for not spending it right. End result- nobody takes responsibility for anything, and things like this happen. It's just not good enough.


Nice work if you can get it...




ex council chief executive gets £320k payoff

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And here's the rub... councils blame the government for cutting funding, government blame the councils for not spending it right. End result- nobody takes responsibility for anything, and things like this happen. It's just not good enough.


The way not to solve it is throwing more money at councils.

Edited by martok
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Given the huge cuts in funding they've had, restoring some of that budget would hardly be "throwing money" at it.


They already have more than enough money, they just choose to spend it unwisely, throwing more money at them will just mean more waste.

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