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So, people really are dying because of the Condems 'austerity'.

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And here's the rub... councils blame the government for cutting funding, government blame the councils for not spending it right. End result- nobody takes responsibility for anything, and things like this happen. It's just not good enough.


I don't think I've seen that (or it doesn't seem as common as the former).




Either way, the way things are going it looks to me like 'the people' are wanting more local control, and we'll get it. More control for councils to raise money and decide how it's spent. I wonder if Sheff CC has anticipated this and why they introduced the parking permits to raise money.

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The national debt has almost doubled since 2010 and with all these cuts just where is all the extra money going?


The super rich!


£80 billion in cuts in 2010, £81 billion in banker bonuses since the crash! That's where it's going.


Let's not forget how hard the government campaigned to keep the banker bonuses uncapped.

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This seems a reasonable question on the face of it, but I also think that you have to allow for circumstances. The days when there was a relative available at home to take on 1 to 1 care of a family member seem to be long gone, largely thanks to various government's eagerness to get women, (it's usually the woman who takes on the carer's role) back to work.

A lot can't even afford to stay at home to look after their own children, let alone another relative. Carers allowance is pitiful (about £60 a week I believe,) and even that is then stopped from the person being cared for's benefits. Could you afford to give up work tomorrow to care for a loved one full time? Maybe they lived in another part of the country, we just don't know.


Personally I think that in cases like these, where a person has been let down by the state so badly that they have died, there should be a test case taking the government to court.


You're right in saying we don't know the circumstances, but the families SHOULD have made sure they where being looked after all there's no excuse unless you have no contact. My mother is 85 and living in her own home .As a family we make sure she is well cared for, frequent visit's daily phone call's nieghbours have contact numbers, everything in place should she be taken ill dueing the night and so on, that's what careing families do .People may blame the Goverment when things go wrong that's easy. They should look on their own doorstep first and think could i have done more.

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You're right in saying we don't know the circumstances, but the families SHOULD have made sure they where being looked after all there's no excuse unless you have no contact. My mother is 85 and living in her own home .As a family we make sure she is well cared for, frequent visit's daily phone call's nieghbours have contact numbers, everything in place should she be taken ill dueing the night and so on, that's what careing families do .People may blame the Goverment when things go wrong that's easy. They should look on their own doorstep first and think could i have done more.


Like button needed here sometimes.


I think the problem with people today is that everything boils down to the government - when it doesn't. I don't want it to, any more than I want anarchists dictating what I should want.


I mentioned this thread at work last night because most of my work mates are of Pakistani origin, and they all think how we once thought. Looking after ourselves in communities/families, not just throwing all blame on everything on someone else.


These days, twitter comments and headlines are all people read.

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I think in most cases we were sold a pup in being told to let "the professionals" deal with everything, when in most cases these professionals simply don't care that much, they just clock off and go home.


In many cases, I agree.


Where failings occur, and what should be in place [in my ideal world], is people that have no one to look after them, or in particular people with severe MH issues, where I would prefer a better grasp by the authorities. Thankfully many charities fill in this part. This is where I want my taxes to go.


The whole ATOS thing really was a disaster, but since we as a society expect authorities and government to look after people on the whole, then it's bound to fail for many people.

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