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Dartford Crossing has no toll booths now, how this affects YOU !

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So who is telling people that people must buy computers then to access government services?


For the minority (and it now is a minority) who dont have access to them via home computers, universities and/or workplaces, libraries offer free Internet access. Also services can be accessed in other ways (such as going to a Post Office, picking up a phone, visiting an office etc)...




Whatever next? People saying its a disgrace that they have to walk 100 yards to the shops to buy a book of stamps?

Tell that to someone who can't walk!
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I agree 100%. Our freedoms and choices are, slowly but surely, being eroded away. We are being made to "toe-the-line" in order to go about our normal lives. For a long time the freedoms of what we may think and what we may say have been in decline. Now we are being told what equipment we must buy in order to access services. Are the government on commission?


Really, pray tell?

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Tell that to someone who can't walk!


Can they not use the phone then?


If someone cant walk then they have other people to help them, I really dont see what your issue is here.


Anyway, must dash, I'm off to buy my postal orders and then go home to watch my black and white television. Maybe I will listen to the wireless later, the Light Programme is on.

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Really, pray tell?
I notice your username contains the word BOY, so obviously you are too young to remember how things used to be, when you could make a remark or a joke and others did not automatically dissect it to find something offensive, racist, etc, but accepted it as it was meant.
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I notice your username contains the word BOY, so obviously you are too young to remember how things used to be, when you could make a remark or a joke and others did not automatically dissect it to find something offensive, racist, etc, but accepted it as it was meant.


Missing "Love Thy Neighbour"?

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I notice your username contains the word BOY, so obviously you are too young to remember how things used to be.


You mean back in the day when the only way to get a tax disc was to queue up at a Post Office and waste a good half hour (maybe more) of your day in a queue, when these days it takes less than 5 minutes online (with the option of still going queueing up for half an hour at a Post Office for the Luddites amongst us)?


Aye, what awful times we now live in :roll::roll:

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Missing "Love Thy Neighbour"?
And "Till Death Us Do Part"


You mean back in the day when the only way to get a tax disc was to queue up at a Post Office and waste a good half hour (maybe more) of your day in a queue, when these days it takes less than 5 minutes online (with the option of still going queueing up for half an hour at a Post Office for the Luddites amongst us)?


Aye, what awful times we now live in :roll::roll:

I'm not knocking new technology, just the fact that choices are being taken away and we are being FORCED to used it.
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Forced? Where?


Its changing with the times. If people are unwilling to move on, well more fool them. They get left behind. I wager there are some stubborn people out there who still refuse to buy a Freeview receiver and now have a TV capable of receiving 0 channels, all because they are cutting off their nose to spite their face.


Same with you, evidently...

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Forced? Where?


Its changing with the times. If people are unwilling to move on, well more fool them. They get left behind. I wager there are some stubborn people out there who still refuse to buy a Freeview receiver and now have a TV capable of receiving 0 channels, all because they are cutting off their nose to spite their face.


Same with you, evidently...

Jumping to conclusions again. Obviously you are one of those who thinks your view is the only view, so it is pointless continuing this discussion with you. Have a nice (blinkered) life.
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Which conclusions are those, then? Some people are Luddites, faced with buying a new box and having to learn to use it, or just let there TV channels vanish, some people will choose the latter option.


Maybe I dont sympathise with your point of view as I am a young profession who owns a smartphone, tablet and laptop, as well as having a Connected TV at home with Sky HD, broadband and an Xbox. I couldnt care less if Granny doesnt want to get with the times, her choice really.

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