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Dartford Crossing has no toll booths now, how this affects YOU !

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That's a bit harsh.

I'm getting on a bit but find modern technology very useful ,e.g. Barclay's "ping it" and their apps for mac and android.

However there are loads of OAPs who haven't got a clue not because they can't be bothered but just don't understand it!

And there will probably be time in the not too distant future when I won't either.:sad:


Edit: with a bit of luck my g/daughter will help me!

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My grandparents were in their late 60's before they even bought a laptop. Now my Gran loves it. And my Nan even got a tablet and started to make an effort to get online, however she is now nearly blind so sadly can't use it.


So anyone can understand it if they are prepared to make the effort.

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Which nursing homes have you been visiting, then? :D


Try visiting a sixth form college or a university and asking the question, rather than fifty year old poverty stricken Luddites on council estates, or the elderly, like you probably did.


Listen, I run my own website, I write it all, it gets 2500 people on it a day. Everyone likes it * I do know about technology. But even I find some of it just too much. I don`t want to be forced to use it more and more and having to keep relearning how to use different operating systems and software every few bleedin` weeks. I`ve got better things to do with my time.

And you`re wrong, there are many people, mainly older people, but not exclusively, who find much of modern technology difficult or impossible to fathom. I know a lot about the IT which I need to know about, not so much about stuff I hardly ever have to use. You can then spend as long trying to learn how to use it as actually using the bleedin` thing. I think the people you`re talking about - who you say like all this fast changing technology - are actually interested in it for itself. They don`t see all the time they`re spending having to learn/relearn how to use it as wasted time. That`s fine for them, I hope it makes them happy, but I do regard it as wasted time, I`ve got more interesting things to do with my time.


* Apart from web designers, ironically, they think it doesn't look flash enough.


---------- Post added 05-12-2014 at 14:22 ----------


No irony, and yes I did use a computer. The difference is I bought my computer from choice, to use as I want - not because I had to, in order to access public services that I have already paid for anyhow, via taxes.




---------- Post added 05-12-2014 at 14:23 ----------


And "Till Death Us Do Part"


I'm not knocking new technology, just the fact that choices are being taken away and we are being FORCED to used it.


Exactly, again.

And Dad`s Army and Morecombe & Wise, surely the funniest sitcom (apart - maybe - from Porridge) and best double act ever.


---------- Post added 05-12-2014 at 14:25 ----------


Again, if only there was a way that a smart phone didn't force you to spend hours and hours on the internet...


The problem with the internet, and I`m sure many people can identify with this, is you get sidetracked. You go onto say just check and E Mail or the price of a hotel room, and you`re on it for half and hour or more. I`ve got a full life as it is, I don`t want to spend any more time on the internet.

Edited by Justin Smith
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If you hate it all, maybe you are in the wrong industry.


That's just the point. I`m in the aerial poles and brackets sales industry, not the IT industry. The latter is a means to an end for the former. And, I`ll warrant, for most people, they`re not interested in the technology for itself, it`s just a means to an end, which means they want to spend as little time as possible on it.

The classic case was when I got a Windows 7 machine with Outlook 2013 on it as opposed to my Windows XP machine with Outlook Express on it. People interested in technology for itself would be more than happy, spending hours exploring everything new and being quite happy to do so. Me, I was bleedin` p***d off at having to waste hours and hours learning to do stuff I already know how to do on my old machine which I as quite happy with. But "XP isn`t supported any more"....

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  • 6 months later...

I was right wasn`t I ? It is the thin end of the wedge. Did I hear right on the news this morning that the DVLA are getting rid of the paper section of the driving licence and replacing it with a web based thing ? It was pointed out that this could give you big problems if you`re wanting to hire a car and don`t have the paper section of your driving licence, and no access to the internet......

Who is driving all this change ? Who is asking for it ? I pay ,my bleedin` taxes like everyone else and I don`t want to be forced to get a soddin` smart phone just to access government services. It`s obscene.

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