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Dartford Crossing has no toll booths now, how this affects YOU !

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I was right wasn`t I ? It is the thin end of the wedge. Did I hear right on the news this morning that the DVLA are getting rid of the paper section of the driving licence and replacing it with a web based thing ? It was pointed out that this could give you big problems if you`re wanting to hire a car and don`t have the paper section of your driving licence, and no access to the internet......

Who is driving all this change ? Who is asking for it ? I pay ,my bleedin` taxes like everyone else and I don`t want to be forced to get a soddin` smart phone just to access government services. It`s obscene.


Except it's not. Honestly, this attitude is getting tiresome. What if you don't want a landline! I mean why should I have to ring up somewhere! I DEMAND an office within 30 mins walk of EVERYWHERE so I can go and see a person! DAMMIT!


What if someone doesn't want a sewage system (peeing in a bucket worked fine for me, I don't want to pay for it to go into a sewer)? Is that ok with you too?


How many times have you hired a car and they've asked for the paper counterpart? EVER? No. Because in most of the world they don't have them and therefore don't even know our paper counterpart exists.


Talk about making a big deal over nothing. It cuts costs, hugely. I will happily support you having your own little cottage industry of call centres, printing shops and sales booths just for you as long as you cover the cost entirely. I'm quite happy with costs being reduced and the money (hopefully, although any government of ours is more than capable of frittering it away on nonsense!) being used for more useful things.


Nearly every generation had to deal with things changing and nearly all of them had someone like you who went on a rant about how terrible it would be and the world would end and ultimately have a 'BUT IT'S NOT FAIR!' moment. And they all lost. Change happens. Technology moves on.

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Ok so I don't want an office or a phone line to deal with the government. I want it done electronically to save money that can be spent on my local hospital. I pay my taxes so I have the right to demand this.

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Except it's not. Honestly, this attitude is getting tiresome. What if you don't want a landline! I mean why should I have to ring up somewhere! I DEMAND an office within 30 mins walk of EVERYWHERE so I can go and see a person! DAMMIT!


What if someone doesn't want a sewage system (peeing in a bucket worked fine for me, I don't want to pay for it to go into a sewer)? Is that ok with you too?


How many times have you hired a car and they've asked for the paper counterpart? EVER? No. Because in most of the world they don't have them and therefore don't even know our paper counterpart exists.


Talk about making a big deal over nothing. It cuts costs, hugely. I will happily support you having your own little cottage industry of call centres, printing shops and sales booths just for you as long as you cover the cost entirely. I'm quite happy with costs being reduced and the money (hopefully, although any government of ours is more than capable of frittering it away on nonsense!) being used for more useful things.


Nearly every generation had to deal with things changing and nearly all of them had someone like you who went on a rant about how terrible it would be and the world would end and ultimately have a 'BUT IT'S NOT FAIR!' moment. And they all lost. Change happens. Technology moves on.


I have to use a bleedin` computer all day long at work. Worse I have a business which I (obviously) can`t help being very interested in (too interested....) how it`s doing, which I can check up on on the internet. There are times, like when I go out for the day or on holiday, I do not want to be on the internet, why should I be forced to be ? And, in this example, by the government to access services which I pay for in my taxes ! And you have to remember there are still loads of people, particularly many older people (but not exclusively) who haven`t just not got a smart phone, they aren't even on the internet, why should they be totally discriminated against ? If the government want to introduce new systems to make it easier (as they see it) for people with this technology that`s fine, but not at the expense of those who don`t.


Incidentally, are you telling me you`re 100% certain that if we went abroad with just the card portions of our driving licences there`d never be a problem with me hiring a car. Or hiring a car in the UK either ?


---------- Post added 08-06-2015 at 10:02 ----------


Ok so I don't want an office or a phone line to deal with the government. I want it done electronically to save money that can be spent on my local hospital. I pay my taxes so I have the right to demand this.


They can save the money they would have spent on your communication because you choose to do that, good for you. Neither you nor the government have any right to insist that I buy and use technology I don`t want to save them money.

Edited by Justin Smith
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Except it's not. Honestly, this attitude is getting tiresome. What if you don't want a landline! I mean why should I have to ring up somewhere! I DEMAND an office within 30 mins walk of EVERYWHERE so I can go and see a person! DAMMIT!


What if someone doesn't want a sewage system (peeing in a bucket worked fine for me, I don't want to pay for it to go into a sewer)? Is that ok with you too?


How many times have you hired a car and they've asked for the paper counterpart? EVER? No. Because in most of the world they don't have them and therefore don't even know our paper counterpart exists.


Talk about making a big deal over nothing. It cuts costs, hugely. I will happily support you having your own little cottage industry of call centres, printing shops and sales booths just for you as long as you cover the cost entirely. I'm quite happy with costs being reduced and the money (hopefully, although any government of ours is more than capable of frittering it away on nonsense!) being used for more useful things.


Nearly every generation had to deal with things changing and nearly all of them had someone like you who went on a rant about how terrible it would be and the world would end and ultimately have a 'BUT IT'S NOT FAIR!' moment. And they all lost. Change happens. Technology moves on.


I agree with most of your post but whenever I hire a van, from various sources, I have to bring my paper counterpart to make sure I haven't got a bunch of points on my licence.


I also think the whole thing could have been more widely publicised. But it's not the end of the world.


---------- Post added 08-06-2015 at 10:07 ----------


I have to use a bleedin` computer all day long at work. Worse I have a business which I (obviously) can`t help being very interested in (too interested....) how it`s doing, which I can check up on on the internet. There are times, like when I go out for the day or on holiday, I do not want to be on the internet, why should I be forced to be ? And, in this example, by the government to access services which I pay for in my taxes ! And you have to remember there are still loads of people, particularly many older people (but not exclusively) who haven`t just not got a smart phone, they aren't even on the internet, why should they be totally discriminated against ? If the government want to introduce new systems to make it easier (as they see it) for people with this technology that`s fine, but not at the expense of those who don`t.


Incidentally, are you telling me you`re 100% certain that if we went abroad with just the card portions of our driving licences there`d never be a problem with me hiring a car. Or hiring a car in the UK either ?


---------- Post added 08-06-2015 at 10:02 ----------



They can save the money they would have spent on your communication because you choose to do that, good for you. Neither you nor the government have any right to insist that I buy and use technology I don`t want to save them money.


Print of a copy, it's valid for three days. Or hire a penny farthing instead.

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I agree with most of your post but whenever I hire a van, from various sources, I have to bring my paper counterpart to make sure I haven't got a bunch of points on my licence.


I also think the whole thing could have been more widely publicised. But it's not the end of the world.


---------- Post added 08-06-2015 at 10:07 ----------



Print of a copy, it's valid for three days. Or hire a penny farthing instead.


Like many people we don`t have our laptop connected to a printer at home, we haven`t got the room for it. That`d be something I`d have to do at work (yet another thing you have to remember to do.....), but anyway that`s not always a solution. Right, you go on holiday for a week or two. You probably want to hire a car at some point but you`re not sure when. You get there and decide to hire a car for a few days for the second week, your printed out paper copy is then invalid. What are you supposed to do ?


Basically I`m sick of all this added complexity in life, my life is complicated enough as it is, I`ve got more then enough to think about now, I don`t need all this extra crap. And the worst thing about it is that it is going to get worse, and worse, and worse......

Edited by Justin Smith
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I agree with most of your post but whenever I hire a van, from various sources, I have to bring my paper counterpart to make sure I haven't got a bunch of points on my licence.


I also think the whole thing could have been more widely publicised. But it's not the end of the world.



I was more referring to abroad. If you hire a van here they will clearly know about the law change so will change how the operate, maybe look it up on site to ensure it's all legit and you've not got 26 points :D


---------- Post added 08-06-2015 at 10:20 ----------


Right, you go on holiday for a week or two. You probably want to hire a car at some point but you`re not sure when. You get there and decide to hire a car for a few days for the second week, your printed out paper copy is then invalid. What are you supposed to do ?


Basically I`m sick of all this added complexity in life, my life is complicated enough as it is, I`ve got more then enough to think about now, I don`t need all this extra crap. And the worst thing about it is that it is going to get worse, and worse, and worse......


No hire company abroad HAS EVER asked for my paper counterpart. Asking around my friends (of course anecdotal, not sure how else this can be verified) none of them have ever needed it either. Most countries in Europe don't even have a paper counterpart.


---------- Post added 08-06-2015 at 10:20 ----------


Like many people we don`t have our laptop connected to a printer at home, we haven`t got the room for it. That`d be something I`d have to do at work (yet another thing you have to remember to do.....), but anyway that`s not always a solution. Right, you go on holiday for a week or two. You probably want to hire a car at some point but you`re not sure when. You get there and decide to hire a car for a few days for the second week, your printed out paper copy is then invalid. What are you supposed to do ?


Basically I`m sick of all this added complexity in life, my life is complicated enough as it is, I`ve got more then enough to think about now, I don`t need all this extra crap. And the worst thing about it is that it is going to get worse, and worse, and worse......


Honestly, go an lie down in a darkened room. How do you cope with the wonders of cars, televisions and microwaves?

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It's disgusting that the government is trying become more efficient. Complain to your MP, tell them this is not how you expect your government to behave.


The government is trying to become more efficient by shifting the problem onto someone else and at their expense and forcing them to buy and use stuff they don`t want. That`s not more efficient, certainly not for me, it`s just reducing public service.


---------- Post added 08-06-2015 at 10:23 ----------


No hire company abroad HAS EVER asked for my paper counterpart. Asking around my friends (of course anecdotal, not sure how else this can be verified) none of them have ever needed it either. Most countries in Europe don't even have a paper counterpart.


So what`s the point of the paper copy ? I don`t actually have one, I`ve still got the paper driving licence, but we`ll be moving in the next year so I`ll then have to get a new driving licence.


I was more referring to abroad. If you hire a van here they will clearly know about the law change so will change how the operate, maybe look it up on site to ensure it's all legit and you've not got 26 points :D


---------- Post added 08-06-2015 at 10:20 ----------



No hire company abroad HAS EVER asked for my paper counterpart. Asking around my friends (of course anecdotal, not sure how else this can be verified) none of them have ever needed it either. Most countries in Europe don't even have a paper counterpart.


Honestly, go an lie down in a darkened room. How do you cope with the wonders of cars, televisions and microwaves?


Don`t know what you mean. I run a business based on a website which I write myself (1,000,000 page hits last year ! ). I do know about technology thanks very much. But that`s technology I choose to use, not stuff that I actively do not want but am being forced to adopt by a government I`m already paying taxes to to provide my services.

Edited by Justin Smith
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