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Going out - crossover age

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Could it be maturity and having responsibilities that has some effect?
By the example of most of our professional friends (I'm talking senior surgeons, MDs and the like, here)...absolutely not! :hihi:


Joke aside, when couples start having kids, I expect it's mostly a combination of time, money and support issues. Marriage in and of itself shouldn't make much of a difference...usually.


If you have a support network at hand (namely, a ready-supply of sitters), then the availability of free time and disposable income tend to be the more important factors.


We didn't have much a network when we lived in Ireland, so we used to fly in my mother-in-law from the UK for "long sitting weekends" a few times a year :D...it was usually cheaper than the local sitter rate anyway! (€10+ per hour plus taxi fare, was very easy to clock €80+ in sitter fees alone for a night out, when the Ryanair return flight would be €30-odd when booked early enough).

Edited by L00b
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I don't think there's ever been a working mens club in the town centre, or that anyone talking about going out on a Friday night to town ever went to one.


Apart from family functions, I don't think I've gone into a working mens club.


And only 40% of people smoke, so that godsend of a rule hasn't stopped or even put off 60% of people. (It makes it more likely that I'll go out in fact).


The labour club on Eccy rd was a decent night out. For a period they were doing "band night" which attracted some really good bands...that's a few years back though.


I can still do clubs occasionally but the appeal just doesn't have the same resonance. My silver star stack boots are becoming a joke apparently.

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I wasn't trying to diss working mens clubs. I'm just don't think that their closure will have been a massive factor in many people choosing to stop going out to town. Some people, maybe, but not that many.


Never suggested you were. Personally I always found WMC's a bit tacky and austere but Eccy Rd for a while had a (Pheasant, Lane Top) raunchy feel to it, by attracting a pretty good cross section of individuals, rather than just bus conductors and miners. It just seemed to buck the trend for a short while.

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The working mens clubs in the Town centre that I remember.[or near enough] are ,The post mans club which was just below the Adelphi pub.

Saint Phillips on St Phillips Road [near enough] .

The Trades and Labour club in the Wicker.

All fairly near to the town centre as is the new Market;)

Also the AEU Club on Stanley Street in the Wicker. I used to go in there and also the Trades Hall (I assume the Trades Hall is what you have called the Trades and Labour Club. I'm not arguing about the name as I don't know. I knew it as the Trades Hall, which could easily have been its "unofficial" title. My grandad used to wait-on there. Happy days.)
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Hi everybody,

What do you think the age is when you really cant be bothered going out anymore, as in bars, clubs etc.? is this point middle aged?


I think I've reached that point, as it all seems too much hassle and I'd rather be wrapped up with a cup of cocoa and bed. All a bit sensible, safe and boring.


I reckon I might live for another 50 years tho!

What do you do after this point? is it just boredom form here on in? I guess thats why people get married, have kids etc. cos they cant think of anything better to do!:hihi:


I think I was about 23!! It coincided with me buying my first house and having the responsibility of paying a mortgage and bills and not being able to blast my entire wage on dresses/shoes and booze whilst bank of Mum and Dad took care of everything! :hihi:

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I payed for most things, and with friends too as I earn more.

its not that much when you are paying out for wine etc for 2.


It is a lot. However it doesn't really matter, you enjoyed it I assume and that's what's important in all this going out lark :)

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