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The whole "internet warrior" mentality.

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The replies sort of prove my point. :)


---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 18:10 ----------


There are some folk who fit parts of your description. I think some of the worst offenders probably have rather low self esteem and try to alleviate their sense of futility by offending others.


---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 17:08 ----------



You think that they do, but you actually have no way of knowing. I think perhaps you are a little paranoid.


Youre right i have no way of knowing youre wrong about paranoia :)

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The only way you could fix it would be to make in Mandatory (Legal Requirement) to have uptodate Photos of yourself with a home address to Join a Forum. It would make people behave more responsibly towards each other if they new there could be repercusions for abusing people.


I wonder if anyone would ever use someone else's photo and address.


---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 18:13 ----------


And then there's those that keep coming back with different profiles every 2 or 3 months.


What happened to Smithy?

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Q: When online forums ['fora'?] started, whoever decided that they should be permitted to accept anonymous posts? As someone's already said, most anons would not post their scurrilous bile were true names required at all times.


Are you suggesting people use real names, just to be perceived as a non-bile posting users?


Given the character and nature of some users I've come across; I'd strongly recommend NOT using real names.


---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 18:29 ----------


I don't pretend to be a psychologist however I can't help but notice a certain type of personality on forums such as this one that I find quite bemusing. It mainly stems from the individuals inability to disagree in a sensible and constructive matter.


Me neither. I think part of the problem, could be that people are so frustrated with their lives; they just want somewhere to 'vent'.

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The only way you could fix it would be to make in Mandatory (Legal Requirement) to have uptodate Photos of yourself with a home address to Join a Forum. It would make people behave more responsibly towards each other if they new there could be repercusions for abusing people.


ie How you should behave in Public, as opposed to how you behave with the Anoninity & Safety of the internet.


I'm all for a bit of banter, but there has to be a line.


I sit back and await the flaming.






That could be a seriously bad idea & limit freedom of of speech massively. On a personal level I have to be very careful as to what i post online as my employer has a very strict "social media" policy and enforces it on a regular basis. Lack of anonymity for myself (ie picture/ real name/ address) would also identify my employer therefore massively restricting what i could post (ie must follow the company line). On a "banter" type forum such as SF not so much of a problem but on more serious/professional forums or comments on mass media sites this could be a major strangulation of expression and information


---------- Post added 01-12-2014 at 23:03 ----------


Is your name really Jeffrey Shaw? Even if it is, you're still pretty anonymous.


Hes all over google, not very anonymous (although he does look like a taheen in one pic)

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Synewsguy, you must remember that on a forum such as this you are inviting comment from people that in the offline world you would probably choose not to converse with.

Where else do people of wildly differing backgrounds and of all levels of intelligence speak freely with each other?

Anonymity also breaks down inhibitions and people will speak in a way that often betrays their true character. This is the beauty of Sheffield Forum.

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