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Christmas without Ikkle baby Jesus?

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I don't buy into this "I'm offended" rubbish when it comes to religion.


Well of course you dont, as you are one of the ones doing the offending. As it has been previously said it is perfectly possible to disagree without trying to offend or insult someone elses beliefs. However it seems to me that most athiests cant get this simple fact through their own bigotry.


If someone wants to believe that is their choice and they should be able to have that choice without the need for someone to come along and insult them or their belief. How does their belief threaten you?


It could be said that bully's dont buy into the fact that they are offending or upsetting people by their actions. How does their actions differ from some of the posts I have seen on here?

Edited by alchemist
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Well of course you dont, as you are one of the ones doing the offending. As it has been previously said it is perfectly possible to disagree without trying to offend or insult someone elses beliefs. However it seems to me that most athiests cant get this simple fact through their own bigotry.


If someone wants to believe that is their choice and they should be able to have that choice without the need for someone to come along and insult them or their belief. How does their belief threaten you?


It could be said that bully's dont buy into the fact that they are offending or upsetting people by their actions. How does their actions differ from some of the posts I have seen on here?



I notice that you cut short my quote. Would you defend me if I decided, based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever, that Batman was real?


Would you say "hey guys, stop telling charmer that Batman is a comic book character, he has every right to believe that Batman is real"? Equally, if I decided to believe a farcical, baseless version of historical events was true, like for instance that WW2 was started because the King of Kenya slept with the wife of the King of Laos (infinitely more plausible than Noah and his Ark or Jonah and the Whale to give just 2 examples of the many I could pick), would you defend my right to believe that?


If the answer to either of the above is no, then you are a hypocrite. If people want to believe ridiculous things then fine, they should not be harmed, nor discriminated against in the job market, but their views should be held up, examined and exposed for the garbage that they quite obviously are.

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Well of course you dont, as you are one of the ones doing the offending. As it has been previously said it is perfectly possible to disagree without trying to offend or insult someone elses beliefs. However it seems to me that most athiests cant get this simple fact through their own bigotry.


There's quite a lot I find offensive about religion. I find it offensive when the religious proselytise: spouting the propaganda from their holy books that denigrates or portrays others negatively. I find it offensive that people are influenced by that propaganda; taking on the views that those who differ are evil, immoral, or need saving simply because they don't believe the claims made within that religion. Religion insults people from the offset. However, it seems to me that many theists cant get this simple fact because they are blinded by their religions inspired bigotry.


If someone wants to believe that is their choice and they should be able to have that choice


Completely agree.


...without the need for someone to come along and insult them or their belief. How does their belief threaten you?


I don't make an habit of going up to people an insulting them when they make their beliefs known. If someone believes in a god or God, so what? But it's what other beliefs they hold and push with that God belief that I sometimes disagree with. If they say to me that I'm evil, immoral or a sinner that needs to repent and accept their imagined God, I'm going to take offence at that and question and ridicule some of their nonsense. If they don't like that, tough. Just as equally, if they are pushing their unfounded beliefs on others(bullying?) - whether it's through government & law or not - I'm going to fight against that all the way.


It could be said that bully's dont buy into the fact that they are offending or upsetting people by their actions.


I agree. It's just a shame religion creates so many of those bullies.






Edited by Ryedo40
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I notice that you cut short my quote. Would you defend me if I decided, based on absolutely no evidence whatsoever, that Batman was real?


Would you say "hey guys, stop telling charmer that Batman is a comic book character, he has every right to believe that Batman is real"? Equally, if I decided to believe a farcical, baseless version of historical events was true, like for instance that WW2 was started because the King of Kenya slept with the wife of the King of Laos (infinitely more plausible than Noah and his Ark or Jonah and the Whale to give just 2 examples of the many I could pick), would you defend my right to believe that?


If the answer to either of the above is no, then you are a hypocrite. If people want to believe ridiculous things then fine, they should not be harmed, nor discriminated against in the job market, but their views should be held up, examined and exposed for the garbage that they quite obviously are.


I would allow you to have those views and possibly disagree with you, but unlike the atheists I would do my best to do it without denigrating or insulting your beliefs. Beliefs are personal and most people would consider that an insult to that belief is also an insult to themselves. Also, you ask if i would defend your beliefs and tell others to stop insulting you? I would give the same amount of support that YOU are giving to christians on this thread, namely, sod-all

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I would allow you to have those views and possibly disagree with you, but unlike the atheists I would do my best to do it without denigrating or insulting your beliefs. Beliefs are personal and most people would consider that an insult to that belief is also an insult to themselves. Also, you ask if i would defend your beliefs and tell others to stop insulting you? I would give the same amount of support that YOU are giving to christians on this thread, namely, sod-all


Can I be the first to call hypocrite?



There are none so blind as those you wont see. You are so blinded and brainwashed by your sect you would even believe black was white if the elders told you!!!
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I would allow you to have those views and possibly disagree with you, but unlike the atheists I would do my best to do it without denigrating or insulting your beliefs. Beliefs are personal and most people would consider that an insult to that belief is also an insult to themselves. Also, you ask if i would defend your beliefs and tell others to stop insulting you? I would give the same amount of support that YOU are giving to christians on this thread, namely, sod-all

"The atheists"?

Sweeping generalisation much?


The thing with theists (believers) is that many of them take any kind of questioning or criticism about their faith as an insult or offence.

Yet they (some, not all) do not hesitate to do the same, not only with atheists but people of other faiths (or in some cases even the same faith).

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I would allow you to have those views and possibly disagree with you, but unlike the atheists I would do my best to do it without denigrating or insulting your beliefs. Beliefs are personal and most people would consider that an insult to that belief is also an insult to themselves. Also, you ask if i would defend your beliefs and tell others to stop insulting you? I would give the same amount of support that YOU are giving to christians on this thread, namely, sod-all


So you would find it acceptable for a grown adult to believe that Batman was real? Ignorance should not be allowed to flourish, the belief that the world was made by a super wizard in one day, in the dark, is ignorant and foolish. It is ridiculous that anyone believes that

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Can I be the first to call hypocrite?


Fair enough. Well I did say that I would do my best :)


---------- Post added 13-12-2014 at 20:42 ----------


So you would find it acceptable for a grown adult to believe that Batman was real? Ignorance should not be allowed to flourish, the belief that the world was made by a super wizard in one day, in the dark, is ignorant and foolish. It is ridiculous that anyone believes that


Did I say that I found it acceptable? I merely agreed that you had the right to believe that as I had the right to disagree with you. So tell me, why DO you believe that Batman is real?


Anyway, if YOU personally find that you can deal with your feelings of being threatened by believers believing by insulting them, then go ahead, im sure that it wont stop them believing :)


Its interesting that even in your own defense of insulting believers you couldnt stop yourself from using insults :)

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Fair enough. Well I did say that I would do my best :)


---------- Post added 13-12-2014 at 20:42 ----------



Did I say that I found it acceptable? I merely agreed that you had the right to believe that as I had the right to disagree with you. So tell me, why DO you believe that Batman is real?


Anyway, if YOU personally find that you can deal with your feelings of being threatened by believers believing by insulting them, then go ahead, im sure that it wont stop them believing :)


Its interesting that even in your own defense of insulting believers you couldnt stop yourself from using insults :)


I am not threatened by people who have been conned into believing this guff at all. Your attempts at making me look childish and fearful are quite silly.


I am not defending myself from the accusation of insulting believers, I said before that I don't care if I insult people who believe stupid things. If some genuinely believed that 2+2 was 3 and they got insulted when I told them it was 4, I wouldn't care. In cases like this, when we are talking about facts the offence is taken not given.

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