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Cameron's promises

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Money finally being given for flood relief. Suddenly they are promising money for everything .Anyone would think that there was a General Election due.Oh, just a minute......!
Get used to it!

They all promise the moon and stars at election time...........or did you not know that?

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Money finally being given for flood relief. Suddenly they are promising money for everything .Anyone would think that there was a General Election due.Oh, just a minute......!


Wait until Labour come along and promise to better the Tories' offers.. "Whatever they're offering,we'll double it" sort of thing..

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Money finally being given for flood relief. Suddenly they are promising money for everything .Anyone would think that there was a General Election due.Oh, just a minute......!


In this respect Cameron is no different to any other politician come election time. What amazes me is election after election politician after politician we get a mix of broken promises and outright lies yet we never bring them to account. If i went for a job and lied through my back teeth to get it, as soon as i was rumbled id be off. Why are they different?

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Cameron , Milliband , Clegg ,.............. all full of false promises . Get used to it ,as this will be a daily occurrence between now and the election . Anyone who is taken in by election spin and lies is a fool.


Who would you vote for? Who do you trust enough?

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