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History, info about Rose & Crown, wadsley, new owners

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Hi Donna - it's been interesting to do a little research into the history of the Rose & Crown. I found another clue as to the origin of the name. Apart from George Rose being an early (probably the first) licensee, just up the track towards the Common were the "Rose Cottages". These were demolished in c. 1950 but it is still possible to make out the foundations, and they are shown on this 1930s map. Perhaps the Rose family were prominent Wadsleyites who built the cottages, and had some of their cutler's workshops there. The "list of inhabitants in 1833" in Dr Kirk-Smith's book mentions five local "pocket knife manufacturers" with the surname Rose: Jonathan, Joel, George, Stephen and William. A William Rose also owned the wire mill in Rivelin Valley, and so the Rose family were evidently people of some standing in the community, and the Rose & Crown was perhaps an enterprise of theirs that opened later in the 1830s.

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