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Looting In Ferguson

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The reaction in Ferguson after it was announced that there would be no trial for the killer cop was appalling, don't get me wrong. However, why have the media (Fox News in particular), not been even handed in dealing with the situation?


A policeman shoots an unarmed young man and nothing has been done about it. There's not even going to be a trial. The police remained quiet in the immediate aftermath.


Now Michael Brown's stepfather is all over the media and may be charged with inciting a riot after shouting "Burn this bitch down!", immediately after hearing the news that there would be no trial for the cop that shot his son.


Anyone caught looting should be prosecuted, same goes for those that started the fires. I also thing what Michael Brown's stepfather said was wrong and it should be investigated.


Why have the police been so quick to act against Louis Head? It seems like the media have also been very one sided on the events.

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Messy post there, Bonzo.


You are mixing media reaction and police response and not being clear about either.


You say police should investigate the rioting & causes ... That is exactly what they are doing.

Mr Head has not been charged for his utterances and is unlikely to be.

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The chief of police has come straight out and condemned Mr Head. Unlike when the shooting happened, where he said nothing g for weeks.


Fox news have been there usual racist selves, stating that nothing should be done about the shooting, yet showing mug shots of every black looter. They do love diverting the attention of the American public away from the real issues.

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