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Have You Made it in Life?

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Think I read this in yesterday's Metro on the commute. It's just a load of rubbish isn't it? It's like Macmillan's "You've never had it so good" speech and probably some sort of pick me up for the masses after the autumn speech


Mecky thinks the Mirror is now printing pro-Tory propaganda. Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, Mecky.


I got none thankfully. I don't know anyone called Susan, lazy or active, and I only use Waitrose for the bogs.

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I should imagine there's a lot of people who can tick all those boxes who are unhappy. And so have they really made it?


I think this sort of nonsense is typical of the modern way of thinking that you have to own lots of stuff and earn lots of money to be successful. My grandparents did not have any of that but spent their entire lives together in happy marriage, brought up 3 children, had happy UK based holidays, were active members of the community. They probably had a lot more fulfilling lives than someone who works 80 hours a week trying to chase some vast salary to be able to afford their mortgage on their enormous house.

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I think this sort of nonsense is typical of the modern way of thinking that you have to own lots of stuff and earn lots of money to be successful. My grandparents did not have any of that but spent their entire lives together in happy marriage, brought up 3 children, had happy UK based holidays, were active members of the community. They probably had a lot more fulfilling lives than someone who works 80 hours a week trying to chase some vast salary to be able to afford their mortgage on their enormous house.


that's about the sum of it

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I own a picnic basket! :(


Thats about it for us too! However, we've been married over 45 years; we have two adult children who still speak to us :o (one of whom can tick quite a few of the boxes in the survey); we're enjoying a fairly stress free retirement; we have three lovely grandchildren; our health is pretty decent.


So on balance, I think we've made it. :)

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