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Have You Made it in Life?

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Thats about it for us too! However, we've been married over 45 years; we have two adult children who still speak to us :o (one of whom can tick quite a few of the boxes in the survey); we're enjoying a fairly stress free retirement; we have three lovely grandchildren; our health is pretty decent.


So on balance, I think we've made it. :)


You just counted my goals, you are where I want to be in 30 years :)

We've been happily married for 15 years now and have two healthy and happy boys,

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I reckon, the posher you are, the smaller the telly. And if you're really posh, you probably don't have a telly at all. Or something like that.


Actually I think there's probably some equation or other - to do with room to telly size ratios. I'll get back to you when I've worked it out.


I was always told one inch of screen size for every foot you sat from it....

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Apart from an occasional dalliance with 22's 'Essential' canned artichoke hearts, and two, specific, white wines, I haven't "made it". Hey ho!


Pop round here, HB. I'll let you have a spin on my lazy Susan:D

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Mecky thinks the Mirror is now printing pro-Tory propaganda. Stalin, Mao, Kim Il Sung, Mecky.


I got none thankfully. I don't know anyone called Susan, lazy or active, and I only use Waitrose for the bogs.


"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing"


Malcolm X


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I can see how some might hanker after a hot tub, orangery, ponies and such like, but since when did people start to covet basic kitchen equipment like the lazy Susan? How about a lazy Kate (no, not the royal one)? I've got two of those.

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I can see how some might hanker after a hot tub, orangery, ponies and such like, but since when did people start to covet basic kitchen equipment like the lazy Susan? How about a lazy Kate (no, not the royal one)? I've got two of those.



Well; you being a spin doctor, you're bound to have a Lazy Kate or two.

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What a load of tosh. Meaningless drivel. I scored 4 - wet room, log burner, holidays twice a year ( if a couple of days on the east coast counts as one) and something else I can't remember.


TV in every room? That doesn't mean you've made it, it means you're an arse.


I think its meant to be tongue in cheek.

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