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'Collossal cuts' on the way.

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By free loaders, I take it you're not referring to people with genuine incapacity claims, people who have been laid off and are looking for work and such like.......ie the majority of people who claim benefits?!


Correct, but you do realise benefit workers are more rife than you can begin to imagine. Although its a minority, its not as small as you think.

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Ive always said we should stop ALL foreign aid . And dont get me started on the freeloading, faceless , dictators in Brussels. We are being taken for mugs by the EU and need to get out of that money pit ASAP .


I agree with everything you say. The foreign aid bill is out of control. I am sure I heard something on the news today saying that over 2 years, government will give 2 BILLION in foreign aid. The backbencher MP's are trying to stop it.


I am absolutely disgusted with Vince Cable when he said on Question Time, No one starves in this country that is why they can give so much money in foreign aid.

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I am absolutely disgusted with Vince Cable when he said on Question Time, No one starves in this country that is why they can give so much money in foreign aid.


Well he is not far wrong TBH, people don't starve in this country they are starved, usually by bad parents who cant manage their money properly. If people cant manage their money properly that is no fault of any government.

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theres something about that 'no-one starves' comment that is true.

For instance the program Skint recently showed grimsby and in particular the 'east marsh' it's the 2nd most deprived area in the country (can't remember the first offhand) and I can tell you that that area would be preferable to any of these places;

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_slums in the world.

Its a **** hole compared to so many places in grimsby or sheffield but still so so much better off than about 3/4 of the entire planet.


I'm not saying that makes it ok, or should be accepted. But it shows a little perspective. people in that area don't starve due to lack of funds, some choices are often made that create hunger but no-one starves.


Foreign aid in certain circumstances is a pisstake however we are the 7th? richest country, we are not poor by any stretch of the imagination and if the east marsh is the 2nd worst area in britain then we should count our selves incredibly lucky as that place is paradise compared to a lot of others.

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Well he is not far wrong TBH, people don't starve in this country they are starved, usually by bad parents who cant manage their money properly. If people cant manage their money properly that is no fault of any government.


A lot of pensioners who had worked most of their life and paid into the system have to chose between food and heating. When they first started work private pensions where just being talked about. However I am not sure they could afford to pay into one as a manual worker.


I do agree with you on the bad parents who do not manage their money properly. Cameron was saying that alcoholics and drug addicts with children should receive vouchers for food and clothes. I do not think that is a bad idea, as long as they are not able to sell the vouchers to fund their habit.

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I agree with everything you say. The foreign aid bill is out of control. I am sure I heard something on the news today saying that over 2 years, government will give 2 BILLION in foreign aid. The backbencher MP's are trying to stop it.


I am absolutely disgusted with Vince Cable when he said on Question Time, No one starves in this country that is why they can give so much money in foreign aid.


Why is the criteria for absolute poverty always starvation?


No doubt this winter will see a number of deaths due to cold and fuel poverty, especially with homelessness being on the rise. A lot of people will have to chose between food and warmth. A few will have neither.


Not many people die of starvation in this country it's true, but then not many people die of the cold in Africa...

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Re bib. It is so very, very different. can't you see that?


How, when both require me to put some money aside each month, one in the form of a loan payment and one in the form a means of saving. If I can afford to save £200 a month then I can afford to buy something on credit which will cost me £200 a month.


---------- Post added 06-12-2014 at 09:55 ----------


Is that how you bought your house then?


Yes I have used both methods to buy a house.

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I agree with everything you say. The foreign aid bill is out of control. I am sure I heard something on the news today saying that over 2 years, government will give 2 BILLION in foreign aid. The backbencher MP's are trying to stop it.


I am absolutely disgusted with Vince Cable when he said on Question Time, No one starves in this country that is why they can give so much money in foreign aid.


Do you realise how much the government spends each year? What percentage of government spending do you think £2 billion is?

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