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'Collossal cuts' on the way.

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This extract from Collumnist Peter Hitchens, in today's Daily Mail.....


".....The National debt is what we've piled up over decades of spending more than we make. It is approaching £1.5 Trillion. We acannot possibly pay it off. This is an incredibly serious mess. It will not be solved by another mini housing boom or by building a few roads.

Those responsible now plan to present themselves to the country next May as the people who repaired our economy. In any sphere outside politics this would be criminal fraud."

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Yes, as does this example? Not sure what your point is.


We do however utterly disagree who's responsibility these numbskull decisions are: In the end it is the consumer putting a scribble down.


You can blame the bank all you want, but if people took just a bit of responsibility this wouldn't happen.


If the banks didn't dangle the carrot in the first place, none of this would have happened.


Look at all these loan companies that are offering money to people that have been turned down by the banks! There's a massive market out there that exploits vulnerable people. They even get away with comments like "I used my loan to buy a new car, or start my own business, or make home improvements". They paint such a rosy picture. They don't have their customers saying quotes like, "I was faced with losing my home and having to move myself and my kids into a hostel, so I borrowed this money as a last resort, despite the fact that I know it's going to be impossible to repay, I just hope I can get my finances back on track before the bailiffs come knocking, to be honest I'm s****ing myself but I don't see any other options, at least this one buys me some time!"

Edited by Bonzo77
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Then the last thing you should do is borrow money to attain the standard of living you fancy.


First thing to do is to start living within your means.


Fancy, so buying clothes is a fancy standard of living? How about something to sit on at home etc ?

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This discussion is straying away from the OP, so I'll reply to this once and leave it at that.


What if you means barely cover the cost of living?


Than your means are still better than what you came into the world with.


If the banks didn't dangle the carrot in the first place, none of this would have happened.


Look at all these loan companies that are offering money to people that have been turned down by the banks! There's a massive market out there that exploits vulnerable people. They even get away with comments like "I used my loan to buy a new car, or start my own business, or make home improvements". They paint such a rosy picture. They don't have their customers saying quotes like, "I was faced with losing my home and having to move myself and my kids into a hostel, so I borrowed this money as a last resort, despite the fact that I know it's going to be impossible to repay, I just hope I can get my finances back on track before the bailiffs come knocking, to be honest I'm s****ing myself but I don't see any other options, at least this one buys me some time!"


What happened to the customers before they were facing that situation. With rights come responsibilities and when it comes to personal finance those responsibilities have to be stressed every time. The bank is one of the institutions that should, but when they don't perform that role appropriately it is still the customer who holds responsibility in the end.


Fancy, so buying clothes is a fancy standard of living? How about something to sit on at home etc ?


Sitting down? Such a luxury!


What is it with this 'expectation' that you portray here?


You were born into the world with nothing, you will leave it with nothing. In the meantime, if I understand you two right, it is the government's role to make sure you have something.


That to me is nonsense, it is up to me to ensure I have something and not wasting money on expensive loans for expensive toys I don't need is one way of ensuring I have something rather than nothing.

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I sit on a spike, two spikes would be an extravagance.


wicked child


---------- Post added 07-12-2014 at 16:49 ----------


Actually Osborne's solution is more personal debt http://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/news/george-osbornes-deficit-reduction-plan-requires-unprecedented-binge-in-personal-borrowing-9904499.html


---------- Post added 07-12-2014 at 16:53 ----------


Actually, Clegg has chipped-in with his two-pennyworth http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-30366977 What concerns me is clegg is part of this so-called government and he doesn't know what's happening and doesn't seem to have any power to stop it and if he did, he doesn't plan to. Some government that

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What is it with this 'expectation' that you portray here?


You were born into the world with nothing, you will leave it with nothing. In the meantime, if I understand you two right, it is the government's role to make sure you have something.


That to me is nonsense, it is up to me to ensure I have something and not wasting money on expensive loans for expensive toys I don't need is one way of ensuring I have something rather than nothing.


On the other hand you start clocking up 'debt' just for existing, what with council tax, water rates, the need for food, a roof over your head, heating etc.


Without a job that pays a living wage (becoming increasingly rare for some,) you're stuffed, and have to rely on others. Would you prefer them to die?

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On the other hand you start clocking up 'debt' just for existing, what with council tax, water rates, the need for food, a roof over your head, heating etc.


Without a job that pays a living wage (becoming increasingly rare for some,) you're stuffed, and have to rely on others. Would you prefer them to die?


What a weird way of looking at the world. You make it sound like birds are free to go wherever they want because they have no 'expenses'.


You were born free, you have a choice. Adhere or not, if you choose not to, good on you. Life wasn't meant to be a dawdle, and it still isn't. Boohoo. Get over it and start living. If these 'poor' people had been born in India they'd be cleaning open sewers to ensure they had at least something to eat.


Entitlement, the biggest issue with a socialist world view.

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What a weird way of looking at the world. You make it sound like birds are free to go wherever they want because they have no 'expenses'.


You were born free, you have a choice. Adhere or not, if you choose not to, good on you. Life wasn't meant to be a dawdle, and it still isn't. Boohoo. Get over it and start living. If these 'poor' people had been born in India they'd be cleaning open sewers to ensure they had at least something to eat.


Entitlement, the biggest issue with a socialist world view.


All I am saying we're not as free as you think we are.

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