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'Collossal cuts' on the way.

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What a weird way of looking at the world. You make it sound like birds are free to go wherever they want because they have no 'expenses'.


You were born free, you have a choice. Adhere or not, if you choose not to, good on you. Life wasn't meant to be a dawdle, and it still isn't. Boohoo. Get over it and start living. If these 'poor' people had been born in India they'd be cleaning open sewers to ensure they had at least something to eat.


Entitlement, the biggest issue with a socialist world view.

Who says it wasnt.?? i think you will find there are plenty of rich people who are having a great time of things, people like you who compare our existence to the people of India, and think we should be grateful, are adding to the problems of the working people of this country, its about time the people of this country got up off their knees and fought back for equality

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All I am saying we're not as free as you think we are.


What a sad state of affairs really, isn't it? I'd rather be as free as I think I am than having to pander to a state in the hope I can meet 'living wage' demands.


Who says it wasnt.?? i think you will find there are plenty of rich people who are having a great time of things, people like you who compare our existence to the people of India, and think we should be grateful, are adding to the problems of the working people of this country, its about time the people of this country got up off their knees and fought back for equality


So because it is a dawdle for some, it should be for all?

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What a sad state of affairs really, isn't it? I'd rather be as free as I think I am than having to pander to a state in the hope I can meet 'living wage' demands.




So because it is a dawdle for some, it should be for all?


Why not?


They work just as hard as those at the top, harder in most cases. Why should they be content to live on crumbs just because the system is stacked against them and they haven't had the same advantages?

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What advantages would those be then? Please don't trot out things like wealthy parents, the right school the right surname etc - I know a lot of people who ended up coming from sink estates and have made it good despite all that, myself included.

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Why not?


They work just as hard as those at the top, harder in most cases. Why should they be content to live on crumbs just because the system is stacked against them and they haven't had the same advantages?


You are handily flicking across my first point.


Regarding the retort to my second point: the more people believe that, the more they become reliant on the state.


Sure, we can't all be millionaires, but we sure can work harder than our neighbours and get further in life ahould we choose to. Of course we can equally have different priorities and care for others without becoming unhappy because we are not winning the ratrace.


Freedom, beautiful thing.

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This extract from Collumnist Peter Hitchens, in today's Daily Mail.....


".....The National debt is what we've piled up over decades of spending more than we make. It is approaching £1.5 Trillion. We acannot possibly pay it off. This is an incredibly serious mess. It will not be solved by another mini housing boom or by building a few roads.

Those responsible now plan to present themselves to the country next May as the people who repaired our economy. In any sphere outside politics this would be criminal fraud."


Did Hitchens offer insight on what to do to solve this conundrum or did his article boil down to him standing on the sidelines going "Booo, rubbish!!!"


Nice job pete. Didn't you used to have a shop up attercliffe?

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The point I was making is that not everyone has the same level of income and for some, paying the rent is a struggle even before the consideration of food. How is that living beyond someone's means? Secondly, there's is Osborne's plan for the economy reliant on personal debt, so people are going to be even less socially mobile.

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The point I was making is that not everyone has the same level of income and for some, paying the rent is a struggle even before the consideration of food. How is that living beyond someone's means? Secondly, there's is Osborne's plan for the economy reliant on personal debt, so people are going to be even less socially mobile.


Osborne's plans are (as far as I can work out) disastrous, he is just building a new bubble and he should be arrested for treason just for proposing it.


Regarding personal income - it is still up to the individual. We have some excellent neighbours who chose to share a house, instead of struggling financially they live in small rooms with a shared kitchen/living space for an amount that is far under weekly benefits.


A lot of people choose to do so in London, more and more people will choose to do so here. The notion that we are all entitled to a house is quickly disappearing. If we want to reverse that trend we have to begin digging up green-belts and start building houses like mad.


As a society we have to accept our cosy lifestyle of the 80s/90s is gone.

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I sit on a spike, two spikes would be an extravagance.


Sit on a spike?! You're lucky, I have to stand on a spike and I don't own any shoes!


---------- Post added 08-12-2014 at 10:23 ----------


You were born into the world with nothing


Not true. I was born with a loving family (well, loving mother), she gave me a home, fed me and looked after me (still does :)). However, some people are born into much less and some are born into much more!


You're far more likely to be rich if you're born into a wealthy family.

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