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'Collossal cuts' on the way.

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There is trouble ahead, it doesn't take a lot of insight to see that!


If by the time a couple are mature enough to get married and want children I would hope they are fiscally responsible and can effectively run their accounts so they can afford to have children. Even if both parents are on minimum income (admittedly not ideal) you should be able to afford a house here in Sheffield that is suitable to raise children in.


It might not be on the Costa del Fulwood, but it is achievable.


Does that mean I don't think parents who are fiscally irresponsible should have children?


It certainly means they should look long and hard at what they are launching their children and themselves into.


By 'fiscally irresponsible' do you really mean 'poor.'


It's impossible to get a mortgage on minimum wage and with no rent caps it might soon be pretty much impossible to rent - as you say, some people are already having to share houses to make ends meet.


I don't see how anyone can plan a family and budget on 0 hours or a part time wage, and can we really rely on things like tax credits after the next election and more cuts on the way? That's not fiscally irresponsible, but simply not having enough money to live on.


And there are many many people in that position, are they to be denied a family life as well>

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while the government campaigned for them to keep their bonuses uncapped. £81bn in bonuses have been paid since the crash! That's disgusting!


The EU have told Cameron he CANNOT cap bankers bonuses! Let's get out of it!






---------- Post added 08-12-2014 at 13:54 ----------


Ot at least that's what you say you did, what evidence can you provide? And it still doesn't mean you can manage


Come off it Mecky! during my 20 odd years (with one firm) I saw about nine "Managers" depart as they were, let's say, "inefficient". I kept my position so that should give you your answer.



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How many of the cabinet and shadow cabinet a century ago went to Eaton?


How many of the French Gvt cabinets over the past 50-odd years went to the ENA? Same difference, and about as relevant to the topic as the captain's age and the windspeed.


I don't care about the French cabinet, but it is relevant. People who have enough wealth to send their kids to public schools, such as Eaton are far more likely to have success in life. It's not because they're cleverer than other people. It's because it grants them access to opportunities that the rest of us can't have. It's an elite club that money buys you into.

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The EU have told Cameron he CANNOT cap bankers bonuses!



The link I've provided says that the EU want to cap bonuses, but the UK are to challenge the ruling?!?


---------- Post added 08-12-2014 at 13:59 ----------


What I've said for a few years now Bonzo - there's no loyalty in business!


I think it depends on the business. There's definitely some good eggs in the corporate basket. Not many though.

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It is irrelevant what others have, whether they are lucky or not, you have to make your own luck. I was born to a loving mother and in a great family, but money skills were definitely not high on the agenda. What was high on the agenda was the fact that you have to make a go of it yourself. Nobody is going to help you if you don't help yourself get further.


Hear hear!!! You make your own luck!

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By 'fiscally irresponsible' do you really mean 'poor.'


It's impossible to get a mortgage on minimum wage and with no rent caps it might soon be pretty much impossible to rent - as you say, some people are already having to share houses to make ends meet.


I don't see how anyone can plan a family and budget on 0 hours or a part time wage, and can we really rely on things like tax credits after the next election and more cuts on the way? That's not fiscally irresponsible, but simply not having enough money to live on.


And there are many many people in that position, are they to be denied a family life as well>


No, I wish you could get this in your head: I don't have 'poor' or 'rich' as standard, I have: Lives within their means, does not live within their means as standard. The Dutch expression: Non tighter with money than the rich is accurate. If you want things, you have to earn them. There are far too many people, rich or poor that don't understand that and in the end they all end up struggling financially for no other reason than that they "wanted".


The EU have told Cameron he CANNOT cap bankers bonuses! Let's get out of it!


Uhmmm not sure where you get that from. The EU have proposed a raft of measures to cap bankers excesses, all of which were ignored by the UK because it might threaten the bankers in London. But of course this view does not surprise me Frederick, it is all the EU's fault after all.

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No, I wish you could get this in your head: I don't have 'poor' or 'rich' as standard, I have: Lives within their means, does not live within their means as standard. The Dutch expression: Non tighter with money than the rich is accurate. If you want things, you have to earn them. There are far too many people, rich or poor that don't understand that and in the end they all end up struggling financially for no other reason than that they "wanted".



Uhmmm not sure where you get that from. The EU have proposed a raft of measures to cap bankers excesses, all of which were ignored by the UK because it might threaten the bankers in London. But of course this view does not surprise me Frederick, it is all the EU's fault after all.


WANTED what?, you mean eat food, have a roof over your head, somewhere where you can have a bath or a shower?. or should all less fortunate people be made to live in communal accommodation. or maybe tents? even then you would have to pay some sort of rent for the space that you occupy.

you dont get it, people on the very basic of incomes CANNOT COPE WITH ESSENTIAL BILLS. i don't call eating being extravagant. do you?

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