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'Collossal cuts' on the way.

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Because the economy would be fine if it wasn't for the banks cocking things up. Why should hard working families be forced to sell their homes because of their foolish behaviour?


Dont cry about no money for heating and food then if you insist on living in something you cant afford


Remember then guy with no money but have a Audi A1. Most people said sell the car. why is a house you cant afford any different?


---------- Post added 08-12-2014 at 16:47 ----------


Because the economy would be fine if it wasn't for the banks cocking things up. Why should hard working families be forced to sell their homes because of their foolish behaviour?


So it is not foolish to buy a house with 95-100% mortage?

How can ecomony be fine when UK owes 1.5trillion and have no way of paying it back?

Edited by landlordshef
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Why should they sell the house?


They cant afford it. so it is sell house and have comfortable life or no heating or food, they have a choice. Why should tax payer help then more?


Should i buy a company ferrari and make the accounts so i can claim for tax credit?


Because the economy would be fine if it wasn't for the banks cocking things up. Why should hard working families be forced to sell their homes because of their foolish behaviour?


This just sums up what is wrong with your mentality Bonzo.


Let's be clear here: they have to sell the house because they don't own it - the bank does, and they can't afford the mortgage on it. It isn't theirs.


However, as landlordshef points out: Even if they live on minimum income they can still afford to have a roof over their head. Just do without some of the things we now take for granted.


I see students on a daily basis, the other day a lot of them moaned like mad #we can't afford to go on this field trip!# for a 30£pp field trip that had taken months to prepare and was part of the curriculum (so planned for ages). Ironically those that moaned loudest did so using their iPhone that costs them 30£ a month.


It is about priorities and too many people get them completely and utterly wrong.

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This just sums up what is wrong with your mentality Bonzo.


Let's be clear here: they have to sell the house because they don't own it - the bank does, and they can't afford the mortgage on it. It isn't theirs.


However, as landlordshef points out: Even if they live on minimum income they can still afford to have a roof over their head. Just do without some of the things we now take for granted.


I see students on a daily basis, the other day a lot of them moaned like mad #we can't afford to go on this field trip!# for a 30£pp field trip that had taken months to prepare and was part of the curriculum (so planned for ages). Ironically those that moaned loudest did so using their iPhone that costs them 30£ a month.


It is about priorities and too many people get them completely and utterly wrong.


No mate, my mentality is this.......


Why should someone have to sell their house as a direct result of the austerity measures put in place while bankers still pay themselves millions in bonuses? Who has been are to suffer because of the greedy banks offering and miss selling mortgages? They got us in this mess, yet they earn a bonus bigger than some people will earn over their entire lifetime. That's my mentality. Stop blaming the innocent people and look in the other direction, where the real culprits are sitting in their ivory towers, laughing at people like you who have fallen for this farce hook......line......and sinker!

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No mate, my mentality is this.......


Why should someone have to sell their house as a direct result of the austerity measures put in place while bankers still pay themselves millions in bonuses? Who has been are to suffer because of the greedy banks offering and miss selling mortgages? They got us in this mess, yet they earn a bonus bigger than some people will earn over their entire lifetime. That's my mentality. Stop blaming the innocent people and look in the other direction, where the real culprits are sitting in their ivory towers, laughing at people like you who have fallen for this farce hook......line......and sinker!


what are you saying that everyone feeling the pinch should be able to stop paying their bills and keep their houses :)


Anyone with any common at all factor in hard times when buying a house.Tough titty if they didnt.They will learn!!

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So for the responable like me who got a few houses and its all pay for. Why should i or any tax paying person help out those people who living beyond their means?


I don't think you're responsible at all and that isn't a responsible comment you come out with. Nor is specifically creating a new username to try and troll with a responsible action.


Anyway, back on track.


"George Osborne: Cuts 'a price that works for our country'"




Except it's not working is it? How is trying to bribe people for votes by cutting tax for people going to reduce the national debt, which has doubled since the tories seized power in 2010? Why would the people hurt by the tories i.e. most people in the UK and the size of that figure is growing every day, vote for them? Worse still, offering an EU referendum, done simply to try and claw votes back from UKIP, even though Cameron says he wants the UK to remain in the EU, despite which leaving the EU has been warned against by business leaders and will definately cause even more hardship for the UK. It's all desperation, double talk and smoke and mirrors. I wonder which face he'll be wearing next week?

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what are you saying that everyone feeling the pinch should be able to stop paying their bills and keep their houses :)


Anyone with any common at all factor in hard times when buying a house.Tough titty if they didnt.They will learn!!

But the bankers got bailed out....and now they earn good bonuses on top of that, how come the house owner who has fallen on herd times cannot get bailed out :huh:

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I take it i have raised a valid point that doesnt want to be answered then...


it has been answered.Dont borrow what you cant afford to pay back and dont winge when you tried to live beyond your means.Take responsibilty for you OWN actions.

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