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'Collossal cuts' on the way.

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Stop paying £50 million to the EU each day and reduce foreign aid by 9 million a year, have self funded n been to Ethiopia, very proud and decent people, but got some fundraising maggots still trying to bleed us dry for aids money cos it's all about aids in it ?


---------- Post added 05-12-2014 at 00:50 ----------


And please can we get rid of the House of Lords at £300 a day what a jolly for the elite

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if the last government hadn't made such massive increases in public spending we wouldn't have the massive bills to pay for it now. Anyone who lives beyond their means ends up facing a huge bill eventually. I'm sure some try and blame "the bankers" when the repo man comes around for their 65 inch flat screen tv that they bought on tick.



that's all been debated before. Going forward, how do we make 60% cuts? What things will have to go?

Personally, i think if cuts are going to have to be so swingeing, i don't see why parliament shouldn't sustain some of the damage. Cut the number of mps and make the ones that are left work full time, cut the number of lords, cut expenses, cut flunkeys, forget about upgrading the buildings, and so on.


I'd also abolish the elected police commisioners, reduce all public sector pay to no more than the prime minister earns, and abolish one in three jobs at senior executive level.


Mecky said in another thread yesterday that 'why has the national debt doubled in the last term' (meaning Tory ********) - it's because the necessary cuts to balance the books are so huge that is has to be done in stages, otherwise you have riots.


Regardless of who wins the next election, the cuts that have happened so far haven't even scratched the surface, IF you want the deficit cutting to balance.





Bold: As for where the 60% will be cut. Just look at the yearly government budget. You do know all the figures right?


Look at the three biggys. DWP/benefits/social protection, NHS, Education (though education is a 'smally' really in comparison to either of the others).


They'll be the obvious targets, but the benefits bill is mainly pensions and neither DARE touch those precious those people [votes]. Or because they deserve a pension after working all life and being promised it (depending on your view of politicians) :razz:. The worst case scenario for us all is if in the next or the one after, or the one after that, is a coalition of Labour/Tory, because then they can team up and slash pensions. That is one of the big ones and all the others suffer more now because that wedge of the pie chart is untouchable at the moment.


Your idea of getting rid of a few MPs, or Lords is very small fish. It's the 1ps, 2ps and 5ps in my savings tin.

Edited by *_ash_*
added a smiley to indicate sarcasm
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If the last government hadn't made such massive increases in public spending we wouldn't have the massive bills to pay for it now. Anyone who lives beyond their means ends up facing a huge bill eventually. I'm sure some try and blame "the bankers" when the repo man comes around for their 65 inch flat screen TV that they bought on tick.


So why has this government doubled the national debt in 4.5 years and borrowed more money in the first 2.5 years of government than the previous government did in 13 years? Yet Cameron is still giving money in aid http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-30340696


---------- Post added 05-12-2014 at 07:25 ----------


Del having a pop at the tories and UKIP:


If you read my previous post yesterday morning every word of warning was then backed up by the BBC in the afternoon when they exposed Osborne"s absolute savage plans for cutting the state back to the era of the great depression of the 1930s should he be returned to number 11 next year.


While George and the Tories Boo- Hoo the BBC for exposing this, they really did not have much choice after study...ing the latest report from the OBR which I have just had e mailed to me. So now we can clearly see why George is so intent that people should buy houses and why people should turn to their credit cards when their wages won't stretch untill the next pay day.


According to the small print in this latest report from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR), the public is forecast to add massively to its pile of unsecured lending, which includes credit card debt and bank overdrafts, by a staggering £360bn over the next five years.


Another words George wants to swap a big chunk of the country's debt for your own personal debt, whether that be loans or credit cards or mortgage loans, every little bit helps in what would be a Tory enslaving of debt for the majority of the country, and a economic recovery built on cuts and personal debt.


It was even revealed that David Cameron was forced to change parts of his Tory conference speech when it was noticed that in that speech he was urging the country to also take responsibility for its spending and to cut back on consumers credit that households could not afford !! The very last thing George Osborne wants you to do.


In the last 24 hrs George Osbornes plans for the next five years have started to unravel and even the right winged media is a little shocked at just how to the bone this country will be cut back to.


Clueless George also scored another own goal when he decided to be interviewed and filmed inside a factory yesterday that he claimed was now thriving because of his economic plan !! That factory was "Bentley" the luxury car maker for only the elite wealthy !!


PS: Have you noticed that with this horror that is awaiting us all , if the Tories should remain in power come 2015, there has been a buzz of political activity from both Tory and Labour politicians, but not a single word or view given to the OBR report from UKIP !! who if the crisis is not over immigration has no idea or political skill within the party to tackle the problem !! Their silence speaks volumes on their lack of skilful politicians to become a complete political party, they only seem to have one answer to one question !! Mind you it would be great to see Neil Hamilton and his wife as the shadow chancellors, sadly they would still be just about as good as George..

Edited by Mecky
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If the last government hadn't made such massive increases in public spending we wouldn't have the massive bills to pay for it now. Anyone who lives beyond their means ends up facing a huge bill eventually. I'm sure some try and blame "the bankers" when the repo man comes around for their 65 inch flat screen TV that they bought on tick.


So the collapse of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Northern Rock and Lehman Brothers was because New Labour spent all that money on teachers and nurses which caused the sub prime lending bubble to burst?

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So why has this government doubled the national debt in 4.5 years and borrowed more money in the first 2.5 years of government than the previous government did in 13 years?


Because public sector spending didn't shrink at the same pace as the economy shrank in 2008, it was expanded massively during Labours 13 years and couldn't just be cut back to an affordable level after the crash resulting in massive borrowing to keep it going. If Labour had saved money during the good times instead of spending it all whilst still borrowing money we wouldn't be in the mess we now find our selves in.


If an household has an income of £20,000 a year but spends £22,000 a year it has to borrow money, if their income increases to £40,000 they should then pay back the depts they incurred whilst on £20,000 a year, Labour didn't do this. They continued to borrow money and continued to spend more money than they had coming in, not a major problem unless your income drops and 2008 saw a massive drop in government income.

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So the collapse of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Northern Rock and Lehman Brothers was because New Labour spent all that money on teachers and nurses which caused the sub prime lending bubble to burst?


No, but we are in the crap now because Labour continued to spend more than they had coming in and expanded the public sector to an unaffordable level, instead of planning for an economic slow down and paying back some of the debt.


---------- Post added 05-12-2014 at 08:30 ----------


I am still awaiting a legitimate source that states 60% of the public services are due to be cut after the next election.


The confusion is likley because of this.


After the autumn statement OBR say only 40% of cuts have been made and a further 60% of cuts are still to implemented to fill cavernous fiscal hole.

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No, but we are in the crap now because Labour continued to spend more than they had coming in and expanded the public sector to an unaffordable level, instead of planning for an economic slow down and paying back some of the debt.


---------- Post added 05-12-2014 at 08:30 ----------



The confusion is likley because of this.


After the autumn statement OBR say only 40% of cuts have been made and a further 60% of cuts are still to implemented to fill cavernous fiscal hole.


Ah right, that is something entirely different than cutting 60% of the public budget!

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No, but we are in the crap now because Labour continued to spend more than they had coming in and expanded the public sector to an unaffordable level, instead of planning for an economic slow down and paying back some of the debt.


No, we're in this mess because of the banks. We bailed them out and now we're paying back that debt while the government campaigned for them to keep their bonuses uncapped. £80bn in cuts were made in 2010, £81bn in bonuses have been paid since the crash! That's disgusting!

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No, we're in this mess because of the banks. We bailed them out and now we're paying back that debt while the government campaigned for them to keep their bonuses uncapped. £80bn in cuts were made in 2010, £81bn in bonuses have been paid since the crash! That's disgusting!
Bonzo's right to a sizeable extent, you know :|
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