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'Collossal cuts' on the way.

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THREE men to change a light bulb??


No Estates don't just employ people to change lightbulbs, maybe they were doing the lightbulb before starting a three man job?



Quite a few aren't as well. Manager in charge of painting seats and gates??? A Manager mind you, not the people who actually do the painting!




Wouldn't this come under estates? Also a lot more than seats and gates gets painted in hospitals.

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Really? I was a Commercial Manager (in the private sector) for over 20 years and DID manage! You see I MAY "have a clue"!!!



Ot at least that's what you say you did, what evidence can you provide? And it still doesn't mean you can manage

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Consider yourself lucky that you are able to save at a time when an increasing amount of people are struggling to put food on the table let alone keep a roof over their head

It's not luck. It's living within your means, and not buying anything except a house unless you save for it and pay cash,and then you might find you have a bit left over.

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How, when both require me to put some money aside each month, one in the form of a loan payment and one in the form a means of saving. If I can afford to save £200 a month then I can afford to buy something on credit which will cost me £200 a month.


---------- Post added 06-12-2014 at 09:55 ----------



Yes I have used both methods to buy a house.


If you can absolutely guarantee for certain that you will have £200 available for every month until the loan is paid off. Otherwise there is a risk that you might default, which can never happen if you save up first.


In the last few years plenty of people and financial institutions have defaulted.

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It's not luck. It's living within your means, and not buying anything except a house unless you save for it and pay cash,and then you might find you have a bit left over.


What if your wages don't allow you to buy a house and eat and pay for power and nothing else?

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What if your wages don't allow you to buy a house and eat and pay for power and nothing else?


Then the last thing you should do is borrow money to attain the standard of living you fancy.


First thing to do is to start living within your means.

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Then the last thing you should do is borrow money to attain the standard of living you fancy.


First thing to do is to start living within your means.


But what if a professional bank official tells you that you can afford to borrow money and even shows you on paper how it's possible? A person who you should be able to trust?! Because that's what's been happening. Bankers with sales targets that are unrealistic is a recipe for disaster! The banks got greedy, no way anyone can deny it. They knew that they were untouchable and any debts would be written off. How can anyone blame the public?!? :huh:

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But what if a professional bank official tells you that you can afford to borrow money and even shows you on paper how it's possible? A person who you should be able to trust?! Because that's what's been happening. Bankers with sales targets that are unrealistic is a recipe for disaster! The banks got greedy, no way anyone can deny it. They knew that they were untouchable and any debts would be written off. How can anyone blame the public?!? :huh:


Why do we expect banks to act in a moral way? Their job is to make as much money as possible. It's up to the government regulate them, and then enforce those regulations.

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Why do we expect banks to act in a moral way? Their job is to make as much money as possible. It's up to the government regulate them, and then enforce those regulations.


I disagree. A bank is a necessity, they should not be allowed to chase an easy profit. It's not there money that they're gambling with.

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But what if a professional bank official tells you that you can afford to borrow money and even shows you on paper how it's possible? A person who you should be able to trust?! Because that's what's been happening. Bankers with sales targets that are unrealistic is a recipe for disaster! The banks got greedy, no way anyone can deny it. They knew that they were untouchable and any debts would be written off. How can anyone blame the public?!? :huh:


I can and I will give you a concrete example:


We have acquaintances who always struggle with money. They are reliant on public transport for a not so well paid teaching job (in the southern half of the land but not London).


Recently they put on Facebook an image of their new telly! Yay! a 55" curved 4K telly. Yay!


Except that I know that they have no money, I looked up the model and it cost them 2000£ if they had paid in cash, I know they bought it via Brighthouse, I know that is going to cost them... what 100£ a month? "Easy pay-off plan? 70%APR"


The last half year most messages on their Facebook were about 'can't afford dinner tonight, who can help me with this bill, selling xbox so I can eat...'


Pathetic, complete lack of insight and understanding of how money works.

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