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Taking Notice Of Your Parents

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As a youngster my parents and grandparents from time to time use to tell me not to do certain things - but like today's youth, I thought I knew best and took no notice ( I'm sure there are many other's like me out there ? ).


One of the things I've always loved from being a youngster up to now becoming a mature and much older adult is Loud music - in particular heavy rock.....both listening to it at rock concerts and playing it for my own personal pleasure.


As a youngster I was told repeatedly to turn the volume levels down, otherwise I would suffer for it in later life when I lost my hearing.......but I took no notice.


They were right in what they told me and countless times I have regretted not taking no notice as I now have very little hearing which is very frustrating and gets you down at times.


I still love to play the guitar and keyboards, but struggle with mid to high frequencies as they are above the range I can hear - only frequencies I can hear are Bass.


This also presents a problem when my wife and I go to rock concerts - I cannot hear the vocals, I cant hear the lead breaks....can only hear Bass and drums and I have to try and work out from the vibrations coming through the floor what they are playing.


I've tried various NHS hearing aids, which are no good - I've even purchased some private aids which cost me an arm and a leg.....again no good, can't restore the frequencies I'm missing.


Anyone else out there suffer with hearing problems caused by exposure to loud music ?

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is it for definite tht loud music caused the hearing loss, or could it just be aging, hereditary etc?


Think about your predicament another way. If you hadn't had music in your life, would your life have been as satisfying as it may be now? You may have hearing loss now but hopefully your life has become far more enriched than it would have been if you'd done things differently.

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My dad always warned us as well for loud music. Being a teenager in the nineties meant plenty of Nirvana, Metallica, The Prodigy, hardcore house, club bangers and ya-di-ya-di-ya.


Never paid any notice of course, so in the 2000s when MP3 players became the norm I used to walk around with them on high volume.


Now I have tinnitus and it seems progressive as it is getting louder and more frequent. Not had it checked out because I know there isn't a lot that can be done about it, but I definitely regret those MP3 days for sure now.


Daft thing is, music is the only thing that distracts me properly from the noise so I listen to it more than I have ever done before, just at slightly more sensible volumes.

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My parents were lovely, and the biggest influence in my life. But that doesn't mean I didn't go through a rebellious stage in my teens when we did nothing but argue about everything. (And even now I hate to say it, but they were usually right...)


I count myself as very lucky

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