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This forum has been helpful to me in difficult times.

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I am from Sheffield and suffer from long term mental illness and therefore I am on ESA.. recently my mental health has gone downhill and I've being very depressed and frightened :( using the Internet has been a comfort blanket for me :)


I found this site as I'm from Sheffield and I've found a lot of the discussions really helpful , entertaining and heart warming.. I guess a lot of it is escapism something to take my mind off my problems.


I did a search for threads on issues that I was concerned about and found there were some decent and caring people on this site.. it made me happy.. although they were a few ignorant and callous comments , the worse I read was some FM saying most people CHOOSE to be homeless.. which shocked and dismayed me!!


I found Anna B seems to be a nice person and the stuff she wrote really helped me.


Anyway I just thought I'd say this about the forum.. I don't have the health or energy for big debate but I do read the forum and it can be amusing at times.



Edited by mint76
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I wish you all good luck in the world.

Maybe posters wanting support could try not to generate criticism by attacking other posters (unless that is what you want?).

It is always possible to make the points that you want in a neutral way.


I would also recommend avoiding smilies if you are not aware of their 'titles'. Using "loopy" may not be the best choice, considering your subject matter.

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...of time using iPad so apologies in advance for typos etc


I wouldn't worry about them. I get them all the time, it's like I have auto-incorrect turned on! (where you go to type something, and it changes in to something completely different)


Anyhow, wishing you a valuable and productive time communicating with other forum users. Good luck! :)

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Hope you are keeping well and that reading the comments of posters, whether you agree or not, is helping.


Having some experience of mental problems - my father suffered with clinical depression - I can sympathise with you.


As many as 25% of the population suffer from some form of mental problem and as I'm sure you're aware it's nothing to be embarrassed about and should be accepted as something to be empathized with.


Apparently it's mainly due to chemical imbalance in the brain and not something which can necessarily be controlled without medication.


Wish you the best, and hope you post on here from time to time.

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I am from Sheffield and suffer from long term mental illness and therefore I am on ESA.. recently my mental health has gone downhill and I've being very depressed and frightened :( using the Internet has been a comfort blanket for me :)



All The Best to you, most people posting online do so in order to help other people, with just a few here to wind people up for their own amusement.


Thank you to everyone.

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