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How old were you when you moved out

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Moved out once when I was 21, then came back ten months later..

Moved out for almost two years when I was 25, but came back for 9 months before my move here.

I finally moved out just after my 27th birthday.


Where I grew up, its a lot like London and you just cant afford to buy a house. The houses are worth near half a million dollar plus high 4 figure council tax (My Dad pays almost $8K a yr, and thats with his OAP/no children at home discount discount) A lot of people I graduated high school with, still live at home - albeit in their parents basements - with their wife and kids.

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I was 27 when I moved out properly, but went to uni so had the experience of living away from home. I disagree that people who don't move out before they're 25 are saddoes. It all depends on your circumstances and financial situation, some people simply can't afford to move out. On the other hand, I have a friend the same age as me, she has a good wage but still lives at home because they don't charge her rent. I doubt she will move out until she finds a boyfriend.

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I was 27 when I moved out properly, but went to uni so had the experience of living away from home. I disagree that people who don't move out before they're 25 are saddoes. It all depends on your circumstances and financial situation, some people simply can't afford to move out. On the other hand, I have a friend the same age as me, she has a good wage but still lives at home because they don't charge her rent. I doubt she will move out until she finds a boyfriend.


I agree with you. Happ Hazzard, (the poster who claimed that people are 'saddoes' if they don't move out at 25), often spouts opinions that are personal, reactionary and uncalled for. That was one of them.

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first time 14 they made me go back second time 16 never looked back never went back


Wow that's really young!! You must be so independent and worldly wise because of this!! Even after 4 years at uni I was still quite shocked when we got a house of our own, I couldn't believe the cost of food shopping, council tax etc....I had absolutely no idea how much it cost my parents for all this kind of stuff. Looking back me and my brother were brought up in a bubble, my parents worked very hard to give us the best of everything and protect us from anything bad or negative, and although we totally appreciate this, it certainly didn't prepare us for the real world.

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Just turned 18 when I came up here to university, and spent my first term in halls of residence before deciding that I really couldn't deal with being shoved together with so many other students and moved out into a bedsit.

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