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We're all going to die..

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As one who has recently been diagnosed with an untreatable illness I have thought long and hard on this matter, I arrived at the conclusion that que sera sera and that the energy I have left will be far better occupied by looking on the bright side of life.


We sat down as a family and discussed my future and decided that we would all put our hopes and prayers into hoping that the cancer is a slow growing one and that we will all be together for a good while yet.


To answer your question (I am speaking personally here and not in a general capacity)

After the initial shock I (we) have come to terms with the situation and we've decided not to give it a second thought, our time together is far too precious to waste on thinking on what might be.


You have my utmost respect.

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What is the point of been terrified or just worried about something we all have no control over. Death awaits us all, it is that simple.



In truth you are right. But there is the unknown - what if there is a terrible afterlife? No one knows, even if their faith leads them to think of it as a positive existence or some envisage a state of nothingness, we just don't know - what if ...


And then for those that have a good, enjoyable life, we afraid of losing our current existence. Who wants to go home at closing time just as we are enjoying ourselves?

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In truth you are right. But there is the unknown - what if there is a terrible afterlife? No one knows, even if their faith leads them to think of it as a positive existence or some envisage a state of nothingness, we just don't know - what if ...


And then for those that have a good, enjoyable life, we afraid of losing our current existence. Who wants to go home at closing time just as we are enjoying ourselves?


No one said it was something to look forward to,just no point worrying because it's going to happen at some point..

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If you are a heretic, if you refuse to repent you will go to hell, a burning place of eternal torment, this is what so terrible about Death.


"And I saw the dead, great and small, standing in presence of the throne, and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged by those things which were written in the books, according to their works...


And whosoever was not found written in the book of life, was cast into the pool of fire." (Apocalypse, Chapter 20: 12, 15)


The subject of hell should be enough to convince most rational thinking people that the Abrahamic God is extremely unlikely to exist.


3 key points;


-The Bible says that God has infinite love and mercy. That would mean that his love and mercy is unlimited, knows no bounds.


-The Bible says that God created hell


-The Bible says that God is the only one with the power to cast someone into hell


If God had infinite mercy and love, he would not cast anyone into hell. Therefore the Bible is either incorrect or just incorrect.

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And once your dead it's too late for you and you aren't allowed to come back and tell anyone thus possibly saving them from eternal damnation they just have to have faith beforehand with absolutely no proof.

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Definition of dead = no longer alive.


Are you seriously suggesting that you would describe future human generations as dead?


You're just playing with words!

Most people I know don't fear God deciding heaven or hell for them, but nonexistence.


IE. They define death as nonexistence.

We have been non existent before, and we will be again upon dying.

Two times non-existent.

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We were all dead before we were born, and we will all die again.


Why do people assume we can be dead twice but alive only once?


How can someone be dead more than once?

But we are.


You're just playing with words!

Most people I know don't fear God deciding heaven or hell for them, but nonexistence.


IE. They define death as nonexistence.

We have been non existent before, and we will be again upon dying.

Two times non-existent.


So, back to my original question. How can someone be alive twice?

Edited by SnailyBoy
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You're just playing with words!

Most people I know don't fear God deciding heaven or hell for them, but nonexistence.


IE. They define death as nonexistence.

We have been non existent before, and we will be again upon dying.

Two times non-existent.


I've never in my life heard anyone define death as nonexistence, I think you've just tried to redifine the word death so you can say that we're dead twice.



-No longer alive


..emphasis on the 'no longer' part. So if you had said 'post-existence' you may have been more on track.


Using your invented definition (nonexistence) you could say that unicorns, 20ft cockroaches, circular cubes, and multicoloured black curtains are all dead (which is just silly).

Edited by RootsBooster
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