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We're all going to die..

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You still seek a 'reason'? So what sort of 'reason' would suffice? [A: None, it seems, at least for you].



For me to reject a reason, surely one would have to be suggested first, did I miss that part? Have you already given a reason?


Or are you just making a massive assumption, to use as a cop-out?

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I've never in my life heard anyone define death as nonexistence, I think you've just tried to redifine the word death so you can say that we're dead twice.




..emphasis on the 'no longer' part. So if you had said 'post-existence' you may have been more on track.


Using your invented definition (nonexistence) you could say that unicorns, 20ft cockroaches, circular cubes, and multicoloured black curtains are all dead (which is just silly).


Not really.

I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the dictionary definition of some words.

Clearly as humans none of us know what death really entails, unless only in the physical realm.

Most people I know define 'dead' as not existing. I base my beliefs on my experiences not by the man made meanings of words in a dictionary.


Blimey, I've clearly ruffled the feathers of those 'in the know'!



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I'm always amused by the claims made by people that they can talk to dead people. If I was dead and could talk to one of these people I would tell them what it's actually like being dead, if there's a god or a hell, something interesting, not that I like the colour of Uncle John's car or Joey the dead cat is doing fine.


You think that's funny. I know some people who every Sunday believe they're eating and drinking the flesh and blood of a 2000 year old carpenter.

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Are you really not fearful or resigned to it? What I mean is - is that because it's (probably) many decades away? If you knew for certain it was happening tomorrow, would you still feel the same.


Genuine question

I'm 83, I've survived Cancer, a major car crash that killed my wife, 3 serious bouts of Pneumonia, a cardiac arrest, an apartment fire, a major fire aboard the Aircraft Carrier HMS Indomitable. I'm not afraid. What's the use of worrying, you can't stop it happening. I just keep enjoying myself.
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Not really.

I wouldn't put too much emphasis on the dictionary definition of some words.

Clearly as humans none of us know what death really entails, unless only in the physical realm.

...yet you have decided to give it the definition of 'nonexistence', even though you admittedly don't know what death entails.

Most people I know define 'dead' as not existing. I base my beliefs on my experiences not by the man made meanings of words in a dictionary.

What you're saying is that you'd rather go with the minority (these people you know) man made definition rather than a more popular and oft referenced one (the dictionary and most other people's definition).

Blimey, I've clearly ruffled the feathers of those 'in the know'!

Given your previous deliberate misuse of definitions, I'm guessing that by "ruffled the feathers" you really mean "made myself look a little foolish".
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...yet you have decided to give it the definition of 'nonexistence', even though you admittedly don't know what death entails.

What you're saying is that you'd rather go with the minority (these people you know) man made definition rather than a more popular and oft referenced one (the dictionary and most other people's definition).

Given your previous deliberate misuse of definitions, I'm guessing that by "ruffled the feathers" you really mean "made myself look a little foolish".


On the contrary.

Your feathers are ruffled obviously by your persistence in trying to cause an argument by picking posts apart, trying to use the fine print to trip people up.

Very clever. And very typical.

My beliefs are my beliefs. Does it feel good to try and belittle me?


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On the contrary.

Your feathers are ruffled obviously by your persistence in trying to cause an argument by picking posts apart, trying to use the fine print to trip people up.

Very clever. And very typical.

My beliefs are my beliefs. Does it feel good to try and belittle me?



It's hardly the "fine print", we're simply talking about the basic definition of death (or 'dead' to be precise). Pointing out that you're obviously trying to redefine the word is a long way off "picking apart" your post or trying to trip you up.


I have no particular emotions about mocking your posts. Did you feel good when you were smugly claiming to have ruffled feathers? I take it that from your smiley emoticon, you did.

Edited by RootsBooster
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On the contrary.

Your feathers are ruffled obviously by your persistence in trying to cause an argument by picking posts apart, trying to use the fine print to trip people up.

Very clever. And very typical.

My beliefs are my beliefs. Does it feel good to try and belittle me?



You are fully entitled to your beliefs, as indeed is everyone else.


Your claim that you ' wouldn't put too much emphasis on the dictionary definition of some words' however, is not something you are entitled to.


You are not Humpty Dumpty http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCcQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.goodreads.com%2Fquotes%2F12608-when-i-use-a-word-humpty-dumpty-said-in-rather&ei=XwWKVJHUAsTV7QbGhoGIBQ&usg=AFQjCNGhoS-n9t2qNYCvTYUOr_zBbj3xiQ&bvm=bv.81456516,d.ZGU&cad=rja words do not mean what you want them to mean.


The purpose of language is to communicate thoughts ideas and emotions between people so that we understand each other a little better.


If words have different meanings to different people then chaos ensues and we will return to the City of Babel.



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You are fully entitled to your beliefs, as indeed is everyone else.


Your claim that you ' wouldn't put too much emphasis on the dictionary definition of some words' however, is not something you are entitled to.


You are not Humpty Dumpty http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCcQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.goodreads.com%2Fquotes%2F12608-when-i-use-a-word-humpty-dumpty-said-in-rather&ei=XwWKVJHUAsTV7QbGhoGIBQ&usg=AFQjCNGhoS-n9t2qNYCvTYUOr_zBbj3xiQ&bvm=bv.81456516,d.ZGU&cad=rja words do not mean what you want them to mean.


The purpose of language is to communicate thoughts ideas and emotions between people so that we understand each other a little better.


If words have different meanings to different people then chaos ensues and we will return to the City of Babel.




Understand each other a little better you say.

Exactly that. Miscommunication occurs. People read things differently. There will be many people who identify with my meaning who don't pick apart posts to try and belittle the poster.


I'm new to my beliefs and simply try to put them into words.


---------- Post added 11-12-2014 at 21:38 ----------


It's hardly the "fine print", we're simply talking about the basic definition of death (or 'dead' to be precise). Pointing out that you're obviously trying to redefine the word is a long way off "picking apart" your post or trying to trip you up.


I have no particular emotions about mocking your posts. Did you feel good when you were smugly claiming to have ruffled feathers? I take it that from your smiley emoticon, you did.


The emoticon was not me. I foolishly let my ego take front seat at that point.

Doing things like that often makes people feel superior.


I had hoped the meaning of my posts had been understood without having to try and be precise anyway.

I'll think long and hard before my next post. Perhaps get the dictionary out so I am not misunderstood and therefore victim to people who are cleverer than me.

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