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We're all going to die..

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My view is that whilst I am not afraid of death - happens to us all sooner or later so why worry - I am a bit nervous as to the method of dying.


Whilst devastating for those left behind quick and sudden with minimum pain would be most peoples choice.


Basically I'd like to die in my sleep like my grandfather, and not screaming in terror like his passengers.



Sorry about that but for some reason the subject does tend to attract humour, defence mechanism?


I'll get mi coat.

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My view is that whilst I am not afraid of death - happens to us all sooner or later so why worry - I am a bit nervous as to the method of dying.


Whilst devastating for those left behind quick and sudden with minimum pain would be most peoples choice.


Basically I'd like to die in my sleep like my grandfather, and not screaming in terror like his passengers.


Sorry about that but for some reason the subject does tend to attract humour, defence mechanism?


I'll get mi coat.


:hihi::hihi::hihi: That's the spirit matey.

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We're all going to die - that is the absolute truth, but do you actually believe it?


I remember reading some time ago, that since the world began, not one person, no matter how rich, famous or important, has managed to cheat death. Every single one of us will die. I don't know why, but that shocked me and although of course I knew it mentally until then I hadn't accepted it emotionally.

Along with that comes growing old, steady decline, and passing through the final gate. It's going to happen to you too. Do you realise, and how do you cope?


This isn't meant to be a gloomy thread, I just think that we hide death away too much in our society. We no longer have Grandma's corpse lying on the kitchen table with the neighbours calling in to pay respects, (p'haps going a bit too far..) but I feel death is part of the circle of life and should be acknowledged. Would acknowledgement affect how you live your life?


Personally I'm quite happily resigned to it, don't fear it, and live my life, which I'm truly grateful for, as fully and well as I can. But then I've thought about it, and accepted it.


Or maybe you think that science will come up with the answer and you will somehow cheat it? All I can say about that is heaven help us - then we really will have problems....


Your thoughts?



I don't mind admitting I really am scared of death, i'm not scared of dying, just not living anymore


but then again this life could just be a stepping stone,I always bear in mind life is not the opposite of death, birth is

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I have been very aware that it can happen to anyone at any time since my young, healthy and fit husband went out one night and never came home - his heart stopped for no known reason, aged 51. His brother died at 38 in the same manner, and in the family tree there are other relatives with the same early death, so I have had to face that my children have a high risk that this could also happen to them.


My son has just decided to quit his lucrative post as a bio-medical researcher, and train as a martial arts instructor instead. My response was "Go for it!". Life is too short to waste doing something that doesn't make you happy.


All we can do is make the life we have count as much as possible. I try and do at least one thing each day simply because it gives me joy, it might only be seeing a lamb in a field, or a beautiful flower, but something that lifts my soul.


I don't fear my death, but I would prefer to live a happy life first.

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I'm getting on in years and if there's one thing I fear more than dying, it is not dying.


By which I mean I fear having to go into a nursing home or similar. Even a good one is still just an impersonal place where you are just one more inmate. As for the bad ones, they make me shudder.


I would far rather go before I reach a stage when I can no longer look after myself.

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I'm getting on in years and if there's one thing I fear more than dying, it is not dying.


By which I mean I fear having to go into a nursing home or similar. Even a good one is still just an impersonal place where you are just one more inmate. As for the bad ones, they make me shudder.


I would far rather go before I reach a stage when I can no longer look after myself.


How true, you could have been writing that on my behalf.

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My view is that whilst I am not afraid of death - happens to us all sooner or later so why worry - I am a bit nervous as to the method of dying.


Whilst devastating for those left behind quick and sudden with minimum pain would be most peoples choice.


Basically I'd like to die in my sleep like my grandfather, and not screaming in terror like his passengers.



Sorry about that but for some reason the subject does tend to attract humour, defence mechanism?


I'll get mi coat.


Oi! that's my coat tut lol

there's humour in the darkest most serious of matters, if you can't laugh then, you may as well be dead

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I don't mind growing old, I'm not too happy about the thought of dying but there's not much I can do about it and once I'm gone, I'm gone, I just don't want it to hurt too much.


It's mainly the thought that the people I leave behind won't be cared for.


The things that really terrify me are dementia and Alzheimers.

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