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We're all going to die..

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It's not death but the run up to it. I am rather afraid of old age and being dependent on other people. I've been quite shocked at some people's animosity towards old people on other threads on here, and I've seen it with my own eyes on the street.


Extreme old age is not very attractive, and we live in a very visual age where appearance is all. These wrinkled old people still have feelings and need love and care, yet some people seem to despise (and fear?) them.


Yet people don't seem to realise that it could be them in a few years.

Would they want to be treated badly in old age?

I just don't understand it. What happened to 'do as you would be done by?'

It's really worrying.

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We're all going to die - that is the absolute truth, but do you actually believe it?


I remember reading some time ago, that since the world began, not one person, no matter how rich, famous or important, has managed to cheat death. Every single one of us will die. I don't know why, but that shocked me and although of course I knew it mentally until then I hadn't accepted it emotionally.

Along with that comes growing old, steady decline, and passing through the final gate. It's going to happen to you too. Do you realise, and how do you cope?


This isn't meant to be a gloomy thread, I just think that we hide death away too much in our society. We no longer have Grandma's corpse lying on the kitchen table with the neighbours calling in to pay respects, (p'haps going a bit too far..) but I feel death is part of the circle of life and should be acknowledged. Would acknowledgement affect how you live your life?


Personally I'm quite happily resigned to it, don't fear it, and live my life, which I'm truly grateful for, as fully and well as I can. But then I've thought about it, and accepted it.


Or maybe you think that science will come up with the answer and you will somehow cheat it? All I can say about that is heaven help us - then we really will have problems....


Your thoughts?


I intend to be cryogenically frozen. Just got to hang on for a few years!

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I intend to be cryogenically frozen. Just got to hang on for a few years!


Now that does scare me...


That's real limbo, neither dead nor alive. What would happen to your soul?


Would you want to be resurected (assuming it's possible one day,) and find all your loved ones dead, and a world you don't recognise?


I can't think of anything more awful - oh yes I can - just being a head in a jar.

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The fact that many people on this thread don't fear death itself but do fear the way they are going to go just emphasises the fact that we need some sort of voluntary euthanasia to be introduced in this country, and not just for people who are terminally ill, so that people could make their own choice about when to go. I think we would all worry about it a lot less if we knew there was the safety net of a quick painless death.

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Now that does scare me...


That's real limbo, neither dead nor alive. What would happen to your soul?


Would you want to be resurected (assuming it's possible one day,) and find all your loved ones dead, and a world you don't recognise?


I can't think of anything more awful - oh yes I can - just being a head in a jar.


No it isn't. It's called being dead. The technology to reanimate a frozen corpse doesn't exist and probably never will.

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Now that does scare me...


That's real limbo, neither dead nor alive. What would happen to your soul?


Would you want to be resurected (assuming it's possible one day,) and find all your loved ones dead, and a world you don't recognise?


I can't think of anything more awful - oh yes I can - just being a head in a jar.


Man thinks about this but our souls belong to God and that's truth hence when we die we will be in heaven that's for those that believe.

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I'm not afraid of death - my belief is that death is final. There is nothing thereafter so how could I be afraid of nothing?


I'm afraid of dying though, particularly of some slow debilitating disease.

Edited by TimmyR
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That's real limbo, neither dead nor alive. What would happen to your soul?
You wouldn't be concious. You'd be dead. Your 'soul' would also be dead.


The idea is to freeze the dead brain until such a time when technology can jump start the brain/'soul' again.

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Daffs and me have bought a plot in a wooded meadow we have staked it out and planned what kind of tree will be planted to grow on top of us.

We have picked the coffins and told the family to take us straight to our chosen place when the time comes as we don't want any religious service but we wold like some one to say a few words [all good] in the nearest pub afterwards.

We have stood in the meadow on a nice summers day and spoken to people who have loved ones buried there ,the piece and feeling off well being that this gave was unbelievable and took away any fear that the final curtain may bring.


Not for every one I Know but as far as we are concerned the whole process has just become part of life and taken away all the mystery.

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