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We're all going to die..

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Death is like sleeping with no dreams, think how tranquil that is dead for ever and ever you're only here for a short time then you are gone out like a light nothingness blackness,your body rots and decays and there is no getting away from it,so make the most of the short time you are here and try and do something constructive with your life....no one escapes the grim reaper.

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It's not death but the run up to it. I am rather afraid of old age and being dependent on other people. I've been quite shocked at some people's animosity towards old people on other threads on here, and I've seen it with my own eyes on the street.


Extreme old age is not very attractive, and we live in a very visual age where appearance is all. These wrinkled old people still have feelings and need love and care, yet some people seem to despise (and fear?) them.


Yet people don't seem to realise that it could be them in a few years.

Would they want to be treated badly in old age?

I just don't understand it. What happened to 'do as you would be done by?'

It's really worrying.


Let's be honest, we live in an age of BS. How is worrying going to help or change the situation? All you're doing (when you worry) is to reduce the quality of each now moment you experience.


Accept. :)

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Can you define what you mean by 'soul' ?


The soul is our unequeness and is part of us that goes to be with God when we die , if you believe that . I have a faith and at the end I know I have peace about my future and my faith helps me on a daily basis

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Death is like sleeping with no dreams, think how tranquil that is dead for ever and ever you're only here for a short time then you are gone out like a light nothingness blackness,your body rots and decays and there is no getting away from it,so make the most of the short time you are here and try and do something constructive with your life....no one escapes the grim reaper.


What about Hamlets soliloquy 'To be or not to be'


" To die, to sleep, to sleep perchance to dream; Aye there's the rub, for in that sleep of death who knows what dreams may come "


One of the most chilling lines in literature, the bard was good, give him that.

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I'm personally not worried about dying Ive had a good life blessed with good health and the love of a good woman and family I just hope its quick when it comes to my turn, I'd like to shuffle off in my own bed with my family around me when I'm 90 or so,what upsets me more is as I get older how many of my loved ones family and friends have gone, what hit me more was when my father died then my beloved mother and father in law went all within a couple years.

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