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We're all going to die..

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For anyone who's interested in death and dying, there's a really excellent radio programme you should hear. It's the Reith Lecture on BBC R4. American doctor Atul Gawande talks about ageing and death and how we're getting it wrong - and more importantly, how we can do it better.


I urge you to take the time to listen to this - its 42 minutes and to comment on it here afterwards.


I listened to this yesterday, thought it was very good.


I agreed with almost everything he said, except for his response to the Dignity In Dying chap.

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You're quite right about worrying. It's pointless. However treating our old people badly is surely something that we can do something about.


Think I may have missed the point or topic of this thread, thought it was a general worry about death type thing. I wasn't intending to make comment on treatment of the elderly.


Are they treat badly?

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