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Lords refuse to cut costs because 'champagne quality would suffer'

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What really ****** me off is that the Houses of Parliament is the only public service I know where market reforms have not been introduced.

The House of Lords and Commons do similar jobs, why have both? Why not let members both of them compete for votes the one with the most votes wins. They like competition in public services, it drives up standards and efficiency, apparently.

All these arguments made by the puffed up and pompous about the need for a revising chamber made up of the great and the good flies in the face of competition, and is made by their lordships who are against change and just want to defend Spanish practices like the one quoted above by the OP.

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To be fair, esme, there are few things in life as disappointing as cheap Champers.


It isn't my drink of choice, but just like Bordeaux, it does need to be disgracefully expensive to be worthwhile.

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I'm waiting for the day when they are all photographed in their pyjamas at the door and labelled 'SCROUNGERS' in 2 inch letters across the front of the Daily Mail, or when they appear on 'Saints and Scroungers'. Until then, I'll treat the Daily Mail and the BBC with the same contempt as our 'representatives'.

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