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Police follow this vehicle?

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The van is constantly tracked by the police via GPS


Would be my guess


It's a deterrent, like the ones that say "no tools are left in this van overnight" which is basically saying please don't bust the locks on my van there's nothing worth having inside

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The van is constantly tracked by the police via GPS


Would be my guess


It's a deterrent, like the ones that say "no tools are left in this van overnight" which is basically saying please don't bust the locks on my van there's nothing worth having inside


I would have thought it's 'highly' unlikely that the actual police would be doing the tracking....I've ferreted about on the net and as I would expect it doesn't actually say. It does say however that they are aware of the routes and timings of collection / deliveries and in some instances, they 'may' follow in marked or unmarked vehicles where there's an increased risk of a robbery. (usually after a spate of them)

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Someone could be, and that someone could be the police or at least be able to contact them quickly


Or it's possible no one is following the van


But let's say you feel like stopping an armoured car and relieving it of it's contents, which van do you go for, the one with the note saying it's being followed or the one with no such note ?


It's like which house do burglars break into, the one with the alarm or the one without ?

Edited by esme
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Someone could be, and that someone could be the police or at least be able to contact them quickly


Or it's possible no one is following the van


But let's say you feel like stopping an armoured car and relieving it of it's contents, which van do you go for, the one with the note saying it's being followed or the one with no such note ?


It's like which house do burglars break into, the one with the alarm or the one without ?


I expect most robberies of this nature are carefully pre-planned....I don't suppose they give two hoots.... :)

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Its probably like those fake cctv cameras you can buy. :D


Although having the police work for private companies is right to some degree as I see enough of them getting on First buses checking your tickets.


They have no legal right to do this. You DONT have to show your ticket to a police officer. If they try to remove you from the bus then its assault.

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They're not a request. They are there as a deterrent and I think on the whole it's a lie. What they mean is "Police could be following this vehicle don't risk robbing it". It's just like the "this is a neighbourhood watch area" notices or the speed camera warning signs. They are quite often not there.


I posted the links because obviously if police routinely followed every cash van, there would be nowhere to 'step up' the protection to. So they clearly don't.


Actually,after a couple of attempts/succeses last year i think on robbing a vehicle.One pulled up at Jordanthorpe shops and a police car was with it and left with it,but only unarmed cops.

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They have no legal right to do this. You DONT have to show your ticket to a police officer. If they try to remove you from the bus then its assault.


Calm down flower. Police officers do not check bus tickets but PCSOs do support bus inspectors on site in order to carry out checks.

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