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The Ugly club..

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What do you expect?


If a guy gets a disfiguring injury (particularly a facial one) and a woman the same age received the the same. Who do think would get the most compensation?


The feminists are wrong ... remember ..women only want equality with men when the alternative would make them less better off.



Sad.. but generally true.



I don't think the motivations are as mercenary as that....Many feminists seem to be much more principled....Besides which feminism, at its best, isn't just advancing the cause of women over and above men (or it shouldn't be) -it's about improving the lot of humankind. There is no equality in exploitation!

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Blah blah feminism blah equal rights blah blah.


Modern feminism is pure horsesh*t. It's no longer about equal rights. It's about women like the ones in the article demanding whatever they want. For example, the celebrated scientist who was recently lambasted for wearing a sexist shirt at the same time as an internet feminist was being celebrated for wearing a shirt with the slogan "I drink male tears".


I'm also tired of people banging on about negative stereotypes of women in magazines forcing girls to become anarexic. No one gives a crap however about male TV and movie stars being ripped hunks. Barbie is a negative role model? What about He-man?


The simple fact is that gender inequality is almost nonexistent in modern western society we had a female Prime Minister in the 70s and there are plenty of industries dominated by women.

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Blah blah feminism blah equal rights blah blah.


Modern feminism is pure horsesh*t. It's no longer about equal rights. It's about women like the ones in the article demanding whatever they want. For example, the celebrated scientist who was recently lambasted for wearing a sexist shirt at the same time as an internet feminist was being celebrated for wearing a shirt with the slogan "I drink male tears".


I'm also tired of people banging on about negative stereotypes of women in magazines forcing girls to become anarexic. No one gives a crap however about male TV and movie stars being ripped hunks. Barbie is a negative role model? What about He-man?

The simple fact is that gender inequality is almost nonexistent in modern western society we had a female Prime Minister in the 70s and there are plenty of industries dominated by women.


I think the term 'manorexia' was invented as a response to the growing problem of men affected by eating disorders, and body dysmorphia in men is getting more and more recognition. The growth of men's magazines in the last 20 years has placed more emphasis than ever for men to look like Adonis.

Ther are some women who use the ideals of feminism to futher their own career - but hopefully people can see them for what they are.

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Apparently they are trying to reclaim the word 'Ugly'. They reckon women are too often judged on their looks (what, men arent too?) and they are taking ownership of the word ugly so it cant be used as an insult.
If you bother to read the article you will notice that it is not just women who are challenging the way people's worth is judged by superficial criteria.


Seriously girls, get a life, get a purpose, get a reality check

How patronising and sexist. It's people with atttitudes like yours that - unsurprisingly - they are sick of.
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