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Hospital parking

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You might have heard the NHS in Wales is in financial crisis wuth three trusts overspending by millions and the auditor raising serious concerns about how they are run and their solvency.



And your answer to the problem is to charge people for parking whilst at their most vulnerable?

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And your answer to the problem is to charge people for parking whilst at their most vulnerable?


You asked the question if the NHS in Wales can do it, then why cant they in Sheffield.


If parking was free then people would hog it. there isnt enough space as there is even when you have to pay for it. Wales is hardly an example as the Welsh NHS massively overspends and has had to be bailed out by a further half a billion £ in public money because it cannot manage its books. If the rest of the NHS followed that route then it would collapse.


Car parking fees provide a valuable revenue stream for the hospital which they reinvest back into running the hopsital. If they didn not have that money then you would be getting further cuts in services.


How would you make up for the lost revenue if parking were free?

How would you stop people just leaving their cars there all day?

Which services would you be cutting?

Edited by 999tigger
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I hear what you are saying, but suggest a few extra pence on income tax for the whole population is the way forwards....not hitting people's pockets at a stressful time in their lives.


Well you would have to vote for a party that wants to increase income tax, then. Im not so sure people will want to pay more tax so they can provide free parking. The NHS is a bottomless money pit and there will always be more demand than resources to supply.


Ive been in the position of needing to pay for parking when people were extremely ill and not felt put upon for paying for the convenience. Ive also caught taxis or the bus at other times. I had other things on my mind rather than parking.

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I had reason to visit hospital last week...

The first time since moving to Wales. I even had to google to discover it's whereabouts.

My first thoughts was making sure I had enough change to pay for parking.

Well......pleasantly surprised to find the car parks were free all day parking.

If the NHS in Wales can do it why not in Sheffield?


The car park at the Royal Hallamshire would be full by 9am if parking was free.

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£2:40 for 2 hours?


£3.50 for 4 hours?


Is that really too expensive?


I was up at NGH yesterday afternoon visiting my Grandad. I put £2.50 in and it clearly showed how much I had paid but the ticket didn't expire for 24 hours, so I'm assuming I could have used the same ticket if i'd visited again in the evening? Was in a rush so didn't read the ticket in detail to find out!


Last time my Grandad was in for a while and the parking did soon add up, but my Grandma would have to get a taxi over there otherwise and that costs £20 a pop so I'm happy to fork out if it means she can visit him safely and without any stress. :)

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