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2014/2015 Snow & Winter Weather MegaThread

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If you can find anyone who can look at a pressure system whilst it's over Greenland and predict what it will be like when it get's to the UK then please direct them to the Met Office, BBC etc etc.


Of course a week out we are talking about "chances" and "potential"


Maybe next time I'll not say anything until the night before and give nobody any notice that it could happen, just for you? :loopy:


As it happens, it is a bit slower moving than expected and any snow we get probably won't hit until Saturday/Sunday now. The pressure has dropped slightly but hasn't gone through the floor so at this point it looks like we'll have snow falling but nothing to write home about.


We'll know more tomorrow night when the data runs are done and we can see how the pressure is behaving, but at this point I wouldn't advise panic buying any milk or bread.


Please ignore Daven, they have a nasty habit of doing things like that.


Your updates have served this forum very well over this winter and are looked for and welcomed :)

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Please ignore Daven, they have a nasty habit of doing things like that.


Your updates have served this forum very well over this winter and are looked for and welcomed :)


Quite agree, Twirler's updates have been fantastic, informative predictions without scaremongering, TBH Twirler has served better than the BBC/ITV weather predictions, I'm not sure if Daven has followed this post from the beginning when Twirler was prepared to stay awake and follow weather maps to update us with potential disruption.


You've been great Twirler, thanks for taking the time to interpret the information available to you and for passing it on.


..... forewarned is forearmed..I used to be On-Call for Emergency Cardio-Vascular events, the emergency staff can plan to swap cover to those who are more likely to get the hospital from home if need be, these are things that have to be discussed/decided if there's a threat of disruptive snow, even if the forecast is not set in stone, there needs to be a back up for emergency care, I thought Daven would've been aware or more appreciative of your info.

Edited by lilypiglet
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While there's snow under the walls,there'll be more falls. You'll see!


You are so right shane.......and there is still snow under the walls on the hills above us. There was on Tuesday anyhow.


I also respect Twirlers predictions and value them much more then the met office.


I hate snow anyhow and I thank goodness that I don't have to go out in it if I don't want to. Having said that I've got an important hospital appointment to attend next week. I would rather not go but I have to.


Lets hope that if we get any snow it's light and not long lasting. That's the only good thing about February..........it's closer to spring then what January was. ;)

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Earlier on in this thread and earlier on this year Twirler predicted , (although we were all fed up with snow at that time,) that we would have snow at the end of february and here it is on the way. Cheers Twirler for keeping us informed. You are even better than the farming weather!

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Earlier on in this thread and earlier on this year Twirler predicted , (although we were all fed up with snow at that time,) that we would have snow at the end of february and here it is on the way. Cheers Twirler for keeping us informed. You are even better than the farming weather!


He's even better than Merlin in that case:hihi:

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Well I for one love your early updates twirler



Your updates have served this forum very well over this winter and are looked for and welcomed :)


Quite agree, Twirler's updates have been fantastic, informative predictions without scaremongering,


You've been great Twirler, thanks for taking the time to interpret the information available to you and for passing it on.



I also respect Twirlers predictions and value them much more then the met office.


I hate snow anyhow and I thank goodness that I don't have to go out in it if I don't want to. Having said that I've got an important hospital appointment to attend next week. I would rather not go but I have to.


Agree wholeheartedly with all above quotes about Twirler.


To be fair to the Met Office. They give regional forecasts whilst Twirler very kindly gives us Sheffield's prospects.


Don't mind snow but can't cope with ice and am forced to stay indoors.

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Thank you very much to you all, your words are all so very kind!


It is correct what people are suggesting, I have an easier job than the Met Office as I only have to consider the microclimate for Sheffield and it's immediate surrounding areas. I have got used to how the weather acts when it hits the hills etc, what pressure and temps are generally needed to produce snow here.


I'm no trained meteorologist so I rely on news outlets to tell me what's on the horizon a week in advance etc, I really come into my own when I'm sat watching cloud radars, pressure gauges and thermometer readings on fronts that are within 12 hours of us.


Be interesting to see what does transpire tomorrow, as ever I'll be here and glued to the radar as usual :)

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