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2014/2015 Snow & Winter Weather MegaThread

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If you can find anyone who can look at a pressure system whilst it's over Greenland and predict what it will be like when it get's to the UK then please direct them to the Met Office, BBC etc etc.


Of course a week out we are talking about "chances" and "potential"


Maybe next time I'll not say anything until the night before and give nobody any notice that it could happen, just for you? :loopy:


As it happens, it is a bit slower moving than expected and any snow we get probably won't hit until Saturday/Sunday now. The pressure has dropped slightly but hasn't gone through the floor so at this point it looks like we'll have snow falling but nothing to write home about.


We'll know more tomorrow night when the data runs are done and we can see how the pressure is behaving, but at this point I wouldn't advise panic buying any milk or bread.


I was working in Lochgilphead (Argyll and Bute) Mon/Tues and we got a few hours of light snow.

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I've had a look at the latest pressure charts and what is occurring is basically ice/frost over Saturday night into Sunday morning (it will be VERY cold) and likely anyone driving will need to spend 5-10 minutes de-frosting your car in the morning before setting off. Behind this cold air mass is a front of rain that will turn to snow as it gets over higher ground but I generally like to see the pressure at 980mb for snow to fall in all areas of Sheffield and it will be a touch above 990mb so I'd expect snow to cause hazardous driving conditions over the West of Sheffield in the higher ground but I don't think it will be too bad in the city center or heading out East.


This will fall on Sunday afternoon/evening but the temperatures with the cloud cover don't lend themselves to the snow freezing and sticking around for days.


There is a front directly behind this which could well provide more intermittent snow over Monday and Tuesday but again I don't anticipate it being like Boxing day was at all.


If the pressure was to fall quick enough to get down to 980mb we'd be halfway to a drop that is known as a weather bomb, which is obviously very significant and rare, so it is unlikely.


Still, it might make things look pretty for a short while.


Wouldn't try driving over the Snake Pass before anyone asks!

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