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2014/2015 Snow & Winter Weather MegaThread

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Where do you live, Antarctica?


We haven't had significant snow in Sheffield for 4 years!


We had no significant snow in winter 2013/2014 but the three previous years we had regular thick snow where we live in Sheffield.

Including a late March snowfall in 2013 which stuck around for weeks - the snow was piled taller than the car on roads out above lodge moor.


And even though this winter so far has been mild , the temp on my way to work this morning was 4 celcius and the roads are wet.


Should someone cut me up , or run out in the road , my winter tyres will typically stop my car 5 METRES shorter than your car on summer tyres.


That is the difference. The difference on the admittedly rare snow days is even more striking.


I can drive safely up and down steep snow covered hills.

Whereas you will struggle to get safely off your drive (cue the usual SF trolls who claim to be Hannu Mikkkola)


I don't think spending a small additional (not extra) cost on keeping myself and my family safe is a lot when you consider even a very small bump will cost you £ 250 excess plus raised premiums.


---------- Post added 15-12-2014 at 08:13 ----------


On a front wheel drive car you shouldn't need winter tyres with the diminutive snowfall we normally have in this country.


You obviously have never tried them.


And I assume you live in a flat , low part of Sheffield?


I live at the top of a hill above 200M asl and we get plenty of snow even when there can be none in the lower parts.


Here is a fun day out for you:

Try driving up to Fulwood and see if you can get up Sleighleigh lane when its covered in snow. http://goo.gl/le8Ljh.

The bottom section is not too bad but then it gets quite steep.

Please report back.


Actually , I am being flippant , forget the snow , they may save you having an accident in "cold" weather - i.e. temps below 7 C (of which we always get several months).


And on the rare snow days - they will get you home safely.

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I used to think that winter tyres were unnecessary, id often scoff at friends who had bought them.

Then five years ago I was offered a set for a friend for £100 and decided to try them.

From that day I was a complete convert, they really are fantastic and driving a car without them in snowy and icy conditions feels so dangerous.

I live on a hill and often see cars sliding all over the road in icy conditions, where my car handles completely normally.

We also spend a lot of our time in The Peak District and we've always been able to get about no matter how snowy the conditions are.

We'll often tootle past 4x4's that are spinning on the spot in our Skoda.


Also while you're using the winter tyres your summer tyres aren't being used so it makes no difference to the overall cost to you (except for fitting).


If you can afford to leave the car at home when conditions are bad then fair enough stick to regular tyres but if you anticipate travelling in poor conditions then I really think they're a must have.

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Agree with both above, you have got to try them. Yes it is a extra cost to start with, but as said when using these your not using others. I have drove in bad conditions in different cars over the years living at the top of stannington there is often more snow than just down the road at Hillsborough. I have many times just made it home with normal tyres. With the usual few scary moments.! But winter tyres are the way to go! Like I said in a previous post look on u tube at the videos if you want to see how good they are. For those that laugh and smile about those of us who are saying winter tyres are great. Excuse our little smile as we drive past with ease, while they are slipping and sliding about!Keep a eye out next time it snows, some cars the same make as yours seem to just sail past, they have most likely got winter tyres on . Seriously though if you can get some you won't regret and become one of the converts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like a possible overnight covering but forecast is for dry well before dawn.


As is often the case in this country a degree either way can make the difference between it settling and not.


Would surprise me if it settles though except on the hills, not cold enough.

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