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The Truth about A & E Waiting Times

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2 things I've found out from the waiting rooms from my experiences:


No matter what you've done - tell them you've banged your head (even when its clear you've twisted your ankle) You'll get seen a lot faster.


If your injury is anything to do with sport - expect to wait at least 3 weeks in the waiting room before being seen..

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2 things I've found out from the waiting rooms from my experiences:


No matter what you've done - tell them you've banged your head (even when its clear you've twisted your ankle) You'll get seen a lot faster.


Please explain how selfish people lying, wasting vital resources and attempting to jump the queue helps the crisis in A & E departments. It doesn't, of course. All it means is that people whose clinical need is in fact greater than yours (but the doctors don't know that, because you lied) has to wait longer while you feel smug because you think you have beaten the system.


If your injury is anything to do with sport - expect to wait at least 3 weeks in the waiting room before being seen.
Rubbish. If your sports-related injury is not leading to a deterioration in your condition then you will have to wait your turn like everyone else. If it's putting your life at risk, you'll be seen straight away.


As a general rule, though, older people who have a fall are classed as a higher clinical need than young people who injure themselves playing sport. Their condition is likely to deteriorate faster than yours with an equivalent injury (their circulatory systems are often less able to cope with serious trauma than yours).


Hope that helps.

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I lived in America for 10 years and had to pay a big premium each month for cover if you have no money and lose your job then you have no health cover. People in the Uk should count themselfs so lucky to be able to go to A/E and not have to pay . I am Sheffield born and bred and so proud to be British and back living in the UK ./'

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