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Australian coffee shop seige by islamist.

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I don't hate Muslims because the vast majority I know and meet are good people. I do however hate the religious extremism that is a by-product of the religion/culture that they perpetuate and as such I collectively blame them for failing to to do something about it.


Can you explain why it is OK to label the Metropolitan Police as institutionally racist when it is obvious that the majority of officers and staff are not? Why is collective blame OK for some groups and not others? Why can we demand collective action from one group and not another? I do not accept that religious/cultural groups should be considered immune from collective blame and responsibility... can you please explain why they should be?


You certainly ask a lot of questions for someone who doesn't like answering the ones he feels uncomfortable with!

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You mean Shami Chakrabarti? What changes is she calling for that you abject to exactly?


Its because of people like her and her ilk we have so much trouble getting rid of Islamic nutters like Hamza and Qutada . Its the the human rights supporters in this country and the EU that are making this country a breeding ground for Islamic crackpots that we cant send on a one way ticket as far away from these shores as possible.

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erm I seem to have that selective answering syndrome you usually have :hihi:


Thought as much. All mouth and no trousers, unable to have a sensible discussion.


---------- Post added 16-12-2014 at 19:56 ----------


Its the the human rights supporters in this country and the EU that are making this country a breeding ground for Islamic crackpots that we cant send on a one way ticket as far away from these shores as possible.


No it isn't.

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Thank you!

Your reply is proof positive to me that I was right to presume you would use this horrific event to focus your attention on your seemingly favourite topic of anti-Islam rants.


Of course. Islamic culture is blighted by extremism and it is impossible to back up such a claim without referring to the acts of extremism.


People have been killed and others injured and the primary focus for you is the fact that some followers of a particular faith are extremist lunatics.

Those lunatics are very much in the minority!


Instead of bleating on with your bigoted blather why not focus on the fact that the vast majority of Muslims are peace loving people who deplore the actions of the terrorist organisations who do what they do in the name of their religion.


They are peace loving people who perpetuate religious and cultural beliefs that create too many intolerant and violent extremists. They need to stop doing that.


That does not mean their religion is to blame anymore than a killer from a Christian background murdering because "God told me to do it," would class Christianity as evil.


All religions and culture produce nutters who are freaks of nature. However, the majority of British born Muslims running off to fight jihad are not deranged freaks of nature but deranged freaks of nurture... their madness has been taught.


This man was on bail and was known to the police and other agencies. He was guilty of over 40 sexual offences. He called himself Sheikh when he was no such thing. He called himself a Muslim cleric when he was no such thing!

He was a known trouble causer and seeker of publicity and, perhaps, most daming of all, he had sent abusive letters to deceased parents of soldiers who died fighting against Islamic terrorist organisations abroad.



Ask yourself some of those questions I have raised and consider that this guy would have done what he did regardless of what his faith was.


It is impossible to say with any certainty whether an individual would have turned out different if brought up in a different faith/culture. It is however possible to say with certainty that people brought up in an Islamic culture are far more likely to hold extremist views, and to act on them in a violent way, than people brought up in different culture. Religious extremism is indisputably a far worse problem in Islamic culture than any other. The fact that they do not have a complete monopoly on the problem is irrelevant.

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