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Australian coffee shop seige by islamist.

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With the EU making advances towards the Ukraine, Georgia etc whilst those states are simultaneously being offered NATO membership, I can quite understand where the Russians are coming from with that one. Remember a few years ago when missiles were placed in Poland pointing at Russia to deal with "rogue states"?


I am not saying that the EU is more right than anybody else, in fact I totally understand why Putin is increasingly uneasy.


One thing that will happen over the coming decades is that the power of the EU/US is going to wane relatively speaking and it is a big question how we will deal with that.


One could argue it has already been waning and the "war on terror" is an ideal opportunity to distract from that fact.

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What you are essentially saying is that because Europeans did bad things decades ago so we now need to keep quiet when non-Europeans do bad things.


That's the way I read it too.


I read it as when non muslims are the ones doing the killing it is not classed as terrorism, a bit like the article I read in the sun about two ex British soldiers who have just returned from Syria after fighting IS and have had panic alarms installed at home.

The point Mr Fisk made seems to have flown straight over your heads.....

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I read it as when non muslims are the ones doing the killing it is not classed as terrorism, a bit like the article I read in the sun about two ex British soldiers who have just returned from Syria after fighting IS and have had panic alarms installed at home.

The point Mr Fisk made seems to have flown straight over your heads.....


It's terrorism when civilians, ethnic minorities, children and anybody who dares to disagree with the Islamic view point are deliberately targeted, beheaded, blown up and wiped out (genocide). I don't see any non-muslims doing this...perhaps you can enlighten us.....but remember, we're talking "deliberately targeting"

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It's terrorism when civilians, ethnic minorities, children and anybody who dares to disagree with the Islamic view point are deliberately targeted, beheaded, blown up and wiped out (genocide). I don't see any non-muslims doing this...perhaps you can enlighten us.....but remember, we're talking "deliberately targeting"


Hiroshima was deliberate targeting as were some of the other events that Mr Fisk pointed out. :rolleyes:

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I read it as when non muslims are the ones doing the killing it is not classed as terrorism, a bit like the article I read in the sun about two ex British soldiers who have just returned from Syria after fighting IS and have had panic alarms installed at home.

The point Mr Fisk made seems to have flown straight over your heads.....

So terrorist acts by Muslims should really be considered acts/crimes of war?

And so aren't as bad as terrorism?


Still makes them wrong.


Have another 'spin'.

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So terrorist acts by Muslims should really be considered acts/crimes of war?

And so aren't as bad as terrorism?


Still makes them wrong.


Have another 'spin'.


Who said that?

Stop putting words into my mouth when my meaning is something opposite.

Read the post Mr Fisk first responded to and then you may see why he made his point about a point that you and mumkin seemed to have missed.

Terrorism by Muslims is more highlighted by the media yet terrorism by non muslims is played down.

Now where exactly do I state that acts of terrorism by Muslims should considered acts /crimes of war?

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