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Australian coffee shop seige by islamist.

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oh er where did i say that:huh: let me spell it out then, extremists who plot, radicalise & express hate crime etc and that are a probable danger to the public should be interned to somewhere like a remote scottish island


Anyone who hates the Government or just Muslims? If UKIP get in, should we arrest and intern anyone on this forum who has said hateful things about them?


Things like this have nothing to do with the western society. They have to do with mental heads who live in the dark ages.



You don't think it has anything to do with the bombs western society drops on cvillians in countries that can't defend themselves?


but actually its not western society is it?? they clearly hate the west and dont want to be part of western society.....well unless we are paying for their lifestyle:roll:


Some would say they have good reason to hate the west

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You don't think it has anything to do with the bombs western society drops on cvillians in countries that can't defend themselves?



Not in the slightest no. Westerners dont have the monopoly on mass killing you know.


---------- Post added 15-12-2014 at 14:59 ----------


He's displaying a black flag with white text.


The text says: "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger"


Sounds pretty Islamic to me.


The news is at pains to not mention the islamic link though.

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Not in the slightest no. Westerners dont have the monopoly on mass killing you know


So despite what the terrorists themselves say, you are of the opinion that western foreign policy has nothing to do with these attacks? Nigel Farage thinks they are linked.

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Anyone who hates the Government or just Muslims? If UKIP get in, should we arrest and intern anyone on this forum who has said hateful things about them?





You don't think it has anything to do with the bombs western society drops on cvillians in countries that can't defend themselves?




Some would say they have good reason to hate the west



no not at all just Muslims, anyone that poses a threat, its just that right now the ones that pose the threat all seem to be Muslim? there is also a difference between verbally hating such as UKIP and verbally hating with an incentive to radicalise & cause terror.


i am sure it has lots to do with the west dropping bombs but its also to do with the western way not fitting their beliefs, but as i said its rather selective, hating and wanting to kill westerners on the one hand and then taking from our society on the other....hypocritical:roll:


---------- Post added 15-12-2014 at 15:27 ----------


Good on the Aussies no messing about straight in there get the siege sorted! hope all ok well except for the terrorist.

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We re teetering on the edge of dreadful times. Although it's not only the loony extremists to blame. We allow people like this to fester away with their hate. We have to rid the country of people like this and when they go over seas not let them back in and if we do lock them up for life.


He has a long list of sex crimes and violence to his name and is miffed with the treatment he has had.

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Typical case of a completely derailed person using any excuse to commit a crime. Linking this in any way shape or form to IS or organised terrorism is laughable.


You don't need a tonne of knowledge about Islam to know that someone who proclaims himself Sheikh, an alternative healer and a messenger of Muhammad is not entirely connected to real life. But of course he is "muslim", so let's all get the usual stereotypes out.

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