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Australian coffee shop seige by islamist.

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I see some gormless morons used the horrific incident in Sydney to take their vapid 'selfies'



The man who held those people hostage was clearly deranged, the people who gawped and took photos for their facebook page, or whatever, are just cretinous dolts.


so media films everything and sticks it on everything that will sell and thats ok,but a person takes a snap and its wrong?

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so media films everything and sticks it on everything that will sell and thats ok,but a person takes a snap and its wrong?


Yes - journalists investigate and report on incidents on matters of public concern. People who take selfies where tragedies occur are gormless morons.

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Islam does not have extremism exclusivity but it is disingenuous to pretend that it doesn't have a bigger problem than any other religion/culture. I'm afraid that the points are not being scored by 'the usual suspects' but by the followers of Islam and they are all own goals. The own goals may be scored by individuals but, like it or not, they still count when assessing team performance.


I was wondering how long it might take you to show up.

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I was wondering how long it might take you to show up.


Now you know.


Any explanations for why Islam once again turns out to be the nurturer of extremist madness? You don't really think it's just a bad run of luck do you?

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Now you know.


Any explanations for why Islam once again turns out to be the nurturer of extremist madness? You don't really think it's just a bad run of luck do you?


You make it sound like non muslim terrorists/extremists don't exist....:rolleyes:

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Exactly, like Anders Breivik, Adam Lanza, Derrick Bird and so on.


The only fact they all share is this: They are deranged, mentally unstable men who want to kill for whatever reason and manage to do so.


The fact that this chap felt he was doing it in the name of Islam is irrelevant.

indeed couldnt say it better myself


he was a nutter who would use any excuse for his actions, even the Aussie prime minister has said as such



Tony Abbott: "The perpetrator...had a long history of violent crime, infatuation with extremism and mental instability''


R.I.P to the 2 hostages killed along with him :(


at least some arent seeing ALL muslims in Australia as the enemy


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