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Anyone get arthritis in their fingers?

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Ive asked everything else on The Forum,might as well ask this.Yes, its the old coffin dodgers again with their aches and pains.Ive always suffered from arthritis of the spine & neck,but last week woke up in bed one night,and my fingers felt like two bunches of bananas.They were swollen up especially the middle one on each hand.Hope it doesnt stop me typing,but luckily my index fingers arent too bad,so I can type with them.Has anyone else suffered from this,and what did they do or take ?:help:

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you poor thing pattricia :(

are you sure its arthritis?

is seems very quick to wake up like this? Maybe you should check it out as there may be some infection? I guess in the meantime then antiinflammitries(sp) may help? :)

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you poor thing pattricia :(

are you sure its arthritis?

is seems very quick to wake up like this? Maybe you should check it out as there may be some infection? I guess in the meantime then antiinflammitries(sp) may help? :)

You are so kind, just you replying makes me feel better.:thumbsup:

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Yea Pattricia like you i suffer the regular visits from arthur itis in the spine and neck have done for 21yrs now

i cant take anti inflamitories,they upset my stomach

my fingers swell up without any warning, it is a fight to get my wedding,engagement rings etc off before they get stuck


wasnt so lucky 2wks before our silver anni,didnt get them off on time and had to have my wedding ring cut off a very black finger.


arthritis knows no bounds,when you see young kids at hospital your heart goes out to them,poor wee beggars,years of pain ahead.


Mr Craig like you my nephew suffers he is 32yrs old and just had an operation in both his knees after years of pain


look after yourselves and if arthur knocks on your door,dont tell him my address

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Shark cartilage type produce(glucosimine + msm + devils claw)will work wonders but stay with it,we've been getting old horses jumping around like young colts for 40 yrs ,so please believe me when i say it works.only been on the market for humans less than 10 yrs.

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A friend of mine has rheumatoid arthritis in his ankles, his knees, his hips (had two replacements) his fingers and his wrists and has had to put up with if for the last 36 years. He walks with a crutch and has to use both hands to drink a pint of beer.


Does he sit at home feeling sorry for himself - no, he makes dolls house furniture at one twelth the full size. Because there are no real tools to do such fine work he makes his own.

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Thank you for all your very kind replies.I have been taking collagen capsulles for the last two years,and theve been very good,just taking Iboprufen for a couple of days, to take the sweling down,but cant take it for long as it upsets my stomache.Have tried Devils Claw but that upsets your stomache after a while.I actually wondered if it was Gout,as I had an attack in my big toe some years ago.That came suddenly overnight,stayed for a few days,then went.This feels very much like Gout ,but in my fingers.

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