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Anyone get arthritis in their fingers?

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I have Psoriasis and a side effect of that is arthritis, and I'm 33. The arthritis comes and goes but mostly it manifests itself in my hands. They don't swell very much but they ache like hell :( and it's been so bad in the past that I couldn't write my name. I have very poor grip as well. Bizarrely because I'm a typist of many years experience, ie since I was taught as a child, I'm also hypermobile which means my hands and fingers are very flexible, so this has probably saved me from worse arthritis and aches than I might normally have had.

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thanks for that info flyer

watched a programme recently that mentioned devils claw

i was a bit wary of trying it



have you any idea where i can buy some??

local herb store should stock the Glucosimine combo,Glucosimine being the main, devils claw for pain and M.S.M being a powerfull anti-inflamatory,some will come with added vit C & magnese this being the very best,it can take upto 2wks to work this being said i did give some to myvery old cripple dog and he was bouncing around in two days.

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Isuffer with ankylosing spongilitis, its a fixing of the joints.Like a lot of people i started young with the condition at 18 years old.I find exercise and warm weather help but thats me?.:)

Do you swim Brooksy ? Some say it helps but dont know wether to risk it.Mines in my back & sometimes exercise makes it worse.

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Do you swim Brooksy ? Some say it helps but dont know wether to risk it.Mines in my back & sometimes exercise makes it worse.

Hi there, when i went to netheredge hospital i was told to keep mobile because my complaint causes the joints to fuse together.What you will find is that at the begining you will probably ache more than you did previous.Iswim a lot now and it really helps the joints.The woret time for me is when im on holiday and not mobile,the stiffening increases.Keep the swimming up and im sure youll see the benefit,good luck.brooksy:)

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  • 1 year later...

Hey everyone, Im a Design student at Sheffield Hallam University and I am currently researching for a project about designing for people with long term health conditons. The aim of the project is to design products to aid such conditions by non-medical means. It could be anything from a product which makes daily life easier or somthing more specific to you.


I was just wondering if anyone might be able to help me out... Is there a product you wish existed that could help you overcome difficulties caused by a long term condition? Or a problem you might have that you feel i may be able to design a product based solution to? I would be interested to hear from people with all kinds of long term conditions, from asthma and arthritis to narcolepsy and vertigo. There are no age limits, i would love to hear from everyone, young and old, and you don't even have to have the condition yourself, you might be friends with someone you think i may be interested in... im just looking for all the knowledge i can get!


Please dont hold back... anything you have to say may be helpful! I will be making a prototype of the final design solution so who knows... maybe your suggestions will result in somthing actually being made!


If you think you can help, i'd be very grateful if you could send me a message! Thanks!



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Thank you for all your very kind replies.I have been taking collagen capsulles for the last two years,and theve been very good,just taking Iboprufen for a couple of days, to take the sweling down,but cant take it for long as it upsets my stomache.Have tried Devils Claw but that upsets your stomache after a while.I actually wondered if it was Gout,as I had an attack in my big toe some years ago.That came suddenly overnight,stayed for a few days,then went.This feels very much like Gout ,but in my fingers.


Yes, you can gout anywhere - my brother has it in his elbow, very painful, especially since he does manual work.


I don't know about humans, but that glucosimine stuff has worked wonders for dog - she was getting very creaky in her back legs and the vet said it was a touch of arthritis. She quickly went off the special food, but will eat the chews I've got for her. I really was amazed at the improvement in her after a few weeks.

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My sympathy Pattricia, I have arthritis too, fingers, neck and spine, and it is not so nice.


I have had a homeopathic remedy which seemed to calm it down for a long time, I can't remember what it is called, but you can see a homeopath on the NHS if you like. You have to badger your doctor into referring you, and there is quite a waiting list, but it is free. I have been seeing him for several years now.


Swimming is out for me, as I have a lot of pain in my shoulders, and swimming agravates it, but I do like to go to the swimming baths and lie in the warm shallow pool, that helps the joints :)


I have heard a lot of good things about the glucosamine, devils claw etc, and if mine flares up again I will give them a go. Ibuprofen is necessary at the moment, I can manage a couple of weeks before it really irritates my stomach, by being exceedingly careful to only take it on a full stomach. Never take it on an empty stomach or it can cause ulcers.

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  • 2 years later...

I am designing an easy to open milk package for people with hand arthritis.


I you are over 50 years old, would you answer my survey?


The purpose of this questionnaire is to gather information about the problems and preferences you might have in opening the milk packages you use.


This information will help to design an easy-to-open milk package for the benefit of all and especially for persons with less strength in their hands.


Follow the link below:




Any help will be highly appreciated! :-)))

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yes it could be gout, i get it in my knees,ankle,toe and wrist....VERY PAINFUL,


A couple of weeks a go i got it in my knee, ankle and toe all at the same time, Doctor gave me some small white tablets, but did no good.


I have suffered with it for 7 years now......


I got a new doctor 2 weeks ago, she took a quick blood test and confirmed it as gout, now i have a tablets everyday to try to control it, but it still is in my ankle now.....


Get to the doctor and they will confirm it after a little blood test



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