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Fixed Gear/bike polo

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I am moving up to Sheffield from Northampton in the new year and I was wondering if there was much of a fixed gear bicycle scene??


I've joined Soul.Fix but there hasn't been a post in a year.


I know that a Critical Mass is a good way to meet other riders but I don't really like having to ride at 2mph on a brakeless track frame.


Also is there a bike polo team?

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I used to have a fixie. But, @ 47 yrs old combined with the extreme hill situation in Sheffield, after a few months riding I flipped the wheel over to make it single speed freewheel, and , a bit after, changed the cog to lower the gear, then, finally, sold it.


I do often see, fixies though, usually student age riders with knees that aren't trashed :)


Usually on their own as opposed to groups, so, probably no 'scene' as such, but definitly some fixies around in sheffield.


Having said that, I do still ride the one wheel fixie- it's very low gear so hills aren't a problem- here's a clip, I'm one the left. Recomend the one wheel fixies highly- very low maintenance :)


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