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Children a burden on the state, more so than immigrants, ban them?

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We are living in the 21st century and poor people still have the audacity to breed, these people are no longer required to breed, technological advance has rendered an ever increasing proportion of the working class useless. They can be replaced by machines for the most part, only a few are needed to work.


And immigrants can be exploited by the rich much more easily than children, children have to grow, they must age, it takes time, they need to be fed, educated and housed. Why bother with children, when we can import adults from other countries?


They might be the future of our society, but quite frankly it seems that nobody cares any more, to have children is nearly a crime, especially if you are poor, if you don't earn more than £70k you are going to be receiving some of your tax payments back in the form of benefits, tax credits etc. And working class people are undeserving, the undeserving poor shouldn't receive any help from the state, they should only contribute, or work for free, and they should be grateful of unpaid labour, because Work sets them free innit.


State spending shouldn't go towards the poorest, it should be reserved for the wealthy, corporate welfare is ok, but social security is for some reason bad, or so I am told by the mainstream media.


Has the time come to end the British people, should Brits be banned from having children?


Or should having children be a privilege of the rich and wealthy?


With immigration being so high and the demand it puts on services, shall we forcibly reduce child birth, so we can accommodate immigrants? We can't go building on the greenbelt, that has to be preserved for the children of the wealthy landowners, they can't be giving up small chunks of their vast estates to house working class people, they'd lose some of their corporate welfare payments, and they deserve the collective billions they claim annually in CAP for owning land.


What do you think?


Children, should they be allowed? Can they be replaced with immigration?


Perhaps we can export families to other countries, then import only the healthy single adults back in due course.

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